This is a re-submission. In this version:
Examples wrapped in if(FALSE) have been removed.
Toy examples that can be regularly executed and checked have been added in the following files:
- R/ggsave_elsevier.R
- R/import_data.R
- R/import_excel.R
- R/lehuynh_theme.R
Examples have been wrapped in \donttest{} in the following files:
- R/new_project.R
- R/tidytuesday.R
In R/ppc_brms.R, examples have been wrapped in \dontrun{} because of an issue with Boost not being found when compiling the Stan program during R CMD check of GitHub Actions.
Re-wrote the functions and removed the code that modify the .GlobalEnv in:
- R/import_data.R
- R/import_excel.R
Removed default path in writing functions:
- R/ggsave_elsevier.R
- R/new_project.R
- R/tidytuesday.R
0 errors | 0 warnings | 0 notes