Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
Current Behavior
When a download reaches 100% it sits there for at least 5 mins before finally completing.
Expected Behavior
Downloads should move to finished when 100% complete
Steps To Reproduce
- Running pyloadng within a docker container on a raspberry pi 4
"AppArmorProfile": "",
"Args": [],
"Config": {
"AttachStderr": true,
"AttachStdin": false,
"AttachStdout": true,
"Cmd": null,
"Domainname": "",
"Entrypoint": [
"Env": [
"ExposedPorts": {
"7227/tcp": {},
"8000/tcp": {}
"Hostname": "706456065e15",
"Image": "",
"Labels": {
"build_version": " version:- 0.5.0b3.dev87-ls168 Build-date:- 2025-01-03T19:22:58+00:00",
"com.docker.compose.config-hash": "4f833be7e278173d3843061b0cb40001d625eabc45a36aa93e5f7f55ea900d3d",
"com.docker.compose.container-number": "1",
"com.docker.compose.depends_on": "",
"com.docker.compose.image": "sha256:816f38b57dc5858acf579c272384c5c5476741e9973e3fce8a6b608e6bbd8117",
"com.docker.compose.oneoff": "False",
"com.docker.compose.project": "pyloadng",
"com.docker.compose.project.config_files": "/data/compose/7/docker-compose.yml",
"com.docker.compose.project.working_dir": "/data/compose/7",
"com.docker.compose.service": "pyload",
"com.docker.compose.version": "2.20.2",
"maintainer": "aptalca",
"org.opencontainers.image.authors": "",
"org.opencontainers.image.created": "2025-01-03T19:22:58+00:00",
"org.opencontainers.image.description": "[pyLoad]( is a Free and Open Source download manager written in Python and designed to be extremely lightweight, easily extensible and fully manageable via web.",
"org.opencontainers.image.documentation": "",
"org.opencontainers.image.licenses": "GPL-3.0-only",
"": "cba8dba0e2740a948e71aeeb989e6930a9f312e8",
"org.opencontainers.image.revision": "cba8dba0e2740a948e71aeeb989e6930a9f312e8",
"org.opencontainers.image.source": "",
"org.opencontainers.image.title": "Pyload-ng",
"org.opencontainers.image.url": "",
"org.opencontainers.image.vendor": "",
"org.opencontainers.image.version": "0.5.0b3.dev87-ls168"
"OnBuild": null,
"OpenStdin": false,
"StdinOnce": false,
"Tty": false,
"User": "",
"Volumes": {
"/config": {},
"/downloads": {}
"WorkingDir": "/"
"Created": "2025-01-04T04:01:02.591562964Z",
"Driver": "overlay2",
"ExecIDs": null,
"GraphDriver": {
"Data": {
"LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b7f175182243c45e8ddda93e883ab7ec7884ee750b0201a5984dbf8876711d1c-init/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/15b83a8953b208f50febe2913a9f9f72f535e828d7a0961c9ef901e480187344/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/5999cffaa1d736a088bd4da3e9c635b6d44e60d759d57b551404d40f91e872c9/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/0cab4f8aa7290e776eb406580a9243384be669ea61f4f17afb5500277273b631/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c8599ec9a046cd57d2e20368f13a440fcb201ebebbb4a163ac4da1885460b262/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/854b6954b0910bbecc14e6553832020011aad17d35c6feec5c55ff3c2e4218e0/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/a08b9558b49201409c68355ac97af83f1d30c65986aee3a2d1d30d6d22750ff5/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/7a1507238e8e8ccbf944ba1d9dc909b4706e252f572512e0064b9ca9fec711c5/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/6bbe600d6f50dcfccf6ac16df4e5ea7252408a93e7f51ddeb1e9fd8cb6310827/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/0d2c9dff9a209c238240ba8378d44dada2a7cf8d27c820feef8439270181a536/diff",
"MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b7f175182243c45e8ddda93e883ab7ec7884ee750b0201a5984dbf8876711d1c/merged",
"UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b7f175182243c45e8ddda93e883ab7ec7884ee750b0201a5984dbf8876711d1c/diff",
"WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b7f175182243c45e8ddda93e883ab7ec7884ee750b0201a5984dbf8876711d1c/work"
"Name": "overlay2"
"HostConfig": {
"AutoRemove": false,
"Binds": [
"BlkioDeviceReadBps": null,
"BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null,
"BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null,
"BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null,
"BlkioWeight": 0,
"BlkioWeightDevice": null,
"CapAdd": [
"CapDrop": [
"Cgroup": "",
"CgroupParent": "",
"CgroupnsMode": "private",
"ConsoleSize": [
"ContainerIDFile": "",
"CpuCount": 0,
"CpuPercent": 0,
"CpuPeriod": 0,
"CpuQuota": 0,
"CpuRealtimePeriod": 0,
"CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0,
"CpuShares": 0,
"CpusetCpus": "",
"CpusetMems": "",
"DeviceCgroupRules": null,
"DeviceRequests": null,
"Devices": [],
"Dns": [],
"DnsOptions": [],
"DnsSearch": [],
"ExtraHosts": [],
"GroupAdd": null,
"IOMaximumBandwidth": 0,
"IOMaximumIOps": 0,
"IpcMode": "private",
"Isolation": "",
"Links": null,
"LogConfig": {
"Config": {},
"Type": "json-file"
"MaskedPaths": [
"Memory": 0,
"MemoryReservation": 0,
"MemorySwap": 0,
"MemorySwappiness": null,
"NanoCpus": 0,
"NetworkMode": "pyloadng_default",
"OomKillDisable": null,
"OomScoreAdj": 0,
"PidMode": "",
"PidsLimit": null,
"PortBindings": {
"7227/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "7227"
"8000/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "8001"
"Privileged": false,
"PublishAllPorts": false,
"ReadonlyPaths": [
"ReadonlyRootfs": false,
"RestartPolicy": {
"MaximumRetryCount": 0,
"Name": "unless-stopped"
"Runtime": "runc",
"SecurityOpt": null,
"ShmSize": 67108864,
"UTSMode": "",
"Ulimits": null,
"UsernsMode": "",
"VolumeDriver": "",
"VolumesFrom": null
"HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/3e4e3a268bbbb81e678946d873588ed5d103308f7e255002267f7a5fa0be9fa3/hostname",
"HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/3e4e3a268bbbb81e678946d873588ed5d103308f7e255002267f7a5fa0be9fa3/hosts",
"Id": "3e4e3a268bbbb81e678946d873588ed5d103308f7e255002267f7a5fa0be9fa3",
"Image": "sha256:5326e96f6de9d81c30775f002e3e600c2f16313284860ce63b2bc5b9c2eeb03e",
"LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/3e4e3a268bbbb81e678946d873588ed5d103308f7e255002267f7a5fa0be9fa3/3e4e3a268bbbb81e678946d873588ed5d103308f7e255002267f7a5fa0be9fa3-json.log",
"MountLabel": "",
"Mounts": [
"Destination": "/downloads",
"Mode": "",
"Propagation": "rprivate",
"RW": true,
"Source": "/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-864677e5-c94d-49b8-8dfe-a437ffbbe12f/videos",
"Type": "bind"
"Destination": "/config",
"Mode": "",
"Propagation": "rprivate",
"RW": true,
"Source": "/path/to/pyload/config",
"Type": "bind"
"Name": "/pyloadng",
"NetworkSettings": {
"Bridge": "",
"EndpointID": "",
"Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"HairpinMode": false,
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 0,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
"LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"MacAddress": "",
"Networks": {
"pyloadng_default": {
"Aliases": [
"DNSNames": [
"DriverOpts": null,
"EndpointID": "6dccdc6963bc672f6f857c17826e0621a37d8fb5954c6c582976f868c20e8d24",
"Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"IPAMConfig": {},
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 16,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"Links": null,
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:13:00:02",
"NetworkID": "ef411ad09a158ccad5637581a3181b8ee95e9023de8824b26bef7e2001960eae"
"Ports": {
"7227/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "7227"
"HostIp": "::",
"HostPort": "7227"
"8000/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "8001"
"HostIp": "::",
"HostPort": "8001"
"SandboxID": "8045ce56882582e1caa50aeb48fd7edf8ab3caf4fe9d5075d687c062029d50e0",
"SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/8045ce568825",
"SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
"SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null
"Path": "/init",
"Platform": "linux",
"Portainer": {
"ResourceControl": {
"Id": 22,
"ResourceId": "2_pyloadng",
"SubResourceIds": [],
"Type": 6,
"UserAccesses": [],
"TeamAccesses": [],
"Public": false,
"AdministratorsOnly": true,
"System": false
"ProcessLabel": "",
"ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/3e4e3a268bbbb81e678946d873588ed5d103308f7e255002267f7a5fa0be9fa3/resolv.conf",
"RestartCount": 0,
"State": {
"Dead": false,
"Error": "",
"ExitCode": 0,
"FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"OOMKilled": false,
"Paused": false,
"Pid": 3978225,
"Restarting": false,
"Running": true,
"StartedAt": "2025-01-04T04:01:03.094862053Z",
"Status": "running"
CPU architecture
Docker creation
Created using portainer GUI
Container logs
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[6]: Checking file (with built-in rules)...
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[6]: Checking file (with custom rules)...
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[6]: Checking for link errors...
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[6]: No errors found
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_processed`
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `package_processed`
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `package_failed`
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] INFO pyload Download finished: H.O.L.S.2013.S01E05.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv
[2025-01-04 09:07:48] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_finished`
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] INFO pyload Download starts: H.O.L.S.2013.S01E01.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_preparing`
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] DEBUG pyload ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Setting connection timeout to 60 seconds
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] DEBUG pyload ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Setting maximum redirections to 10
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] DEBUG pyload ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Use custom user-agent string `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:87.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/87.0`
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Plugin version: 0.42
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Plugin status: testing
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] WARNING pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Plugin may be unstable
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] INFO pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Grabbing account info for user `art****`...
[2025-01-04 09:08:14] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: LOAD URL | get={'user': 'art****', 'premiumKey': '**********'} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Size: 41560021100 | Unit: byte
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Account info for user `art****`: {'login': {'password': '**********', 'stats': [2, 1735980494.7837324], 'timestamp': 1735980042.1829612, 'valid': True}, 'data': {'login': 'art****', 'options': {'limit_dl': ['0']}, 'plugin': <Account NitroflareCom>, 'premium': True, 'trafficleft': 41560021100, 'type': 'NitroflareCom', 'validuntil': 1741775059.0}}
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Using account art*******
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Processing url:
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: LOAD URL | get={} | post={} | ref=False | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Checking for link errors...
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: No errors found
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Grabbing link info...
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: LOAD URL | get={'files': '1FE159296D8A527'} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Link info: {'name': 'H.O.L.S.2013.S01E01.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv', 'hash': {}, 'pattern': {'ID': '1FE159296D8A527'}, 'size': 3767848613, 'status': 2, 'url': '', 'post_url': ''}
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Previous link info: {}
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Link name: H.O.L.S.2013.S01E01.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Link size: 3.51 GiB (3767848613 bytes)
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Link status: online
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Processing as premium download...
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] INFO pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Grabbing account info for user `art****`...
[2025-01-04 09:08:15] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: LOAD URL | get={'user': 'art****', 'premiumKey': '**********'} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:16] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Size: 41560021100 | Unit: byte
[2025-01-04 09:08:16] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Account info for user `art****`: {'login': {'password': '**********', 'stats': [2, 1735981695.2817423], 'timestamp': 1735980042.1829612, 'valid': True}, 'data': {'login': 'art****', 'options': {'limit_dl': ['0']}, 'plugin': <Account NitroflareCom>, 'premium': True, 'trafficleft': 41560021100, 'type': 'NitroflareCom', 'validuntil': 1741775059.0}}
[2025-01-04 09:08:16] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: LOAD URL | get={'file': '1FE159296D8A527', 'user': 'art****', 'premiumKey': '**********'} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:16] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: Downloading file...
[2025-01-04 09:08:16] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[2]: DOWNLOAD URL | get={} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | disposition=False | resume=None | chunks=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:17] DEBUG pyload Content-Disposition: H.O.L.S.2013.S01E01.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv
[2025-01-04 09:08:17] DEBUG pyload Ignoring Content-Disposition header
[2025-01-04 09:08:17] DEBUG pyload Chunk 1 chunked with range 0-1255949538
[2025-01-04 09:08:17] DEBUG pyload Chunk 2 chunked with range 1255949538-2511899076
[2025-01-04 09:08:17] DEBUG pyload Chunk 3 chunked with range 2511899076-
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] INFO pyload Download starts: H.O.L.S.2013.S01E02.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_preparing`
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] DEBUG pyload ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Setting connection timeout to 60 seconds
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] DEBUG pyload ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Setting maximum redirections to 10
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] DEBUG pyload ADDON UserAgentSwitcher: Use custom user-agent string `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:87.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/87.0`
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Plugin version: 0.42
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Plugin status: testing
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] WARNING pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Plugin may be unstable
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] INFO pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Grabbing account info for user `art****`...
[2025-01-04 09:08:20] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: LOAD URL | get={'user': 'art****', 'premiumKey': '**********'} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Size: 37792172487 | Unit: byte
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Account info for user `art****`: {'login': {'password': '**********', 'stats': [2, 1735981695.2817423], 'timestamp': 1735980042.1829612, 'valid': True}, 'data': {'login': 'art****', 'options': {'limit_dl': ['0']}, 'plugin': <Account NitroflareCom>, 'premium': True, 'trafficleft': 37792172487, 'type': 'NitroflareCom', 'validuntil': 1741775059.0}}
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Using account art*******
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Processing url:
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: LOAD URL | get={} | post={} | ref=False | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Checking for link errors...
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: No errors found
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Grabbing link info...
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: LOAD URL | get={'files': '6346E98E7F587EB'} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Link info: {'name': 'H.O.L.S.2013.S01E02.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv', 'hash': {}, 'pattern': {'ID': '6346E98E7F587EB'}, 'size': 4079884243, 'status': 2, 'url': '', 'post_url': ''}
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Previous link info: {}
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Link name: H.O.L.S.2013.S01E02.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Link size: 3.80 GiB (4079884243 bytes)
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Link status: online
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Processing as premium download...
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] INFO pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Grabbing account info for user `art****`...
[2025-01-04 09:08:21] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: LOAD URL | get={'user': 'art****', 'premiumKey': '**********'} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:22] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Size: 37792172487 | Unit: byte
[2025-01-04 09:08:22] DEBUG pyload ACCOUNT NitroflareCom: Account info for user `art****`: {'login': {'password': '**********', 'stats': [2, 1735981701.211512], 'timestamp': 1735980042.1829612, 'valid': True}, 'data': {'login': 'art****', 'options': {'limit_dl': ['0']}, 'plugin': <Account NitroflareCom>, 'premium': True, 'trafficleft': 37792172487, 'type': 'NitroflareCom', 'validuntil': 1741775059.0}}
[2025-01-04 09:08:22] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: LOAD URL | get={'file': '6346E98E7F587EB', 'user': 'art****', 'premiumKey': '**********'} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | just_header=False | decode=True | multipart=False | redirect=True | req=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:22] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: Downloading file...
[2025-01-04 09:08:22] DEBUG pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[3]: DOWNLOAD URL | get={} | post={} | ref=True | cookies=True | disposition=False | resume=None | chunks=None
[2025-01-04 09:08:23] DEBUG pyload Content-Disposition: H.O.L.S.2013.S01E02.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv
[2025-01-04 09:08:23] DEBUG pyload Ignoring Content-Disposition header
[2025-01-04 09:08:23] DEBUG pyload Chunk 1 chunked with range 0-1359961415
[2025-01-04 09:08:23] DEBUG pyload Chunk 2 chunked with range 1359961415-2719922830
[2025-01-04 09:08:23] DEBUG pyload Chunk 3 chunked with range 2719922830-
[2025-01-04 09:09:02] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[5]: File saved
[2025-01-04 09:09:02] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[5]: Checking download...
[2025-01-04 09:09:02] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[5]: File is OK
[2025-01-04 09:09:03] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[5]: Checking file (with built-in rules)...
[2025-01-04 09:09:03] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[5]: Checking file (with custom rules)...
[2025-01-04 09:09:03] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[5]: Checking for link errors...
[2025-01-04 09:09:03] INFO pyload DOWNLOADER NitroflareCom[5]: No errors found
[2025-01-04 09:09:03] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_processed`
[2025-01-04 09:09:03] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `package_processed`
[2025-01-04 09:09:03] INFO pyload Download finished: H.O.L.S.2013.S01E04.1080p.AMZN-WEB.DL.DDP20.H.264-iND.mkv
[2025-01-04 09:09:03] DEBUG pyload ADDON ExternalScripts: No script found under folder `download_finished`
[2025-01-04 09:12:56] DEBUG pyload Chunk 1 download finished
[2025-01-04 09:12:56] DEBUG pyload Chunk 2 download finished
[2025-01-04 09:12:56] DEBUG pyload Chunk 3 download finished
[2025-01-04 09:13:31] DEBUG pyload Chunk 1 download finished
[2025-01-04 09:13:32] DEBUG pyload Chunk 2 download finished
[2025-01-04 09:13:32] DEBUG pyload Chunk 3 download finished