We are proud to announce the second public beta release of LiveOak!
Some of the highlights of Beta02 are:
Updating the code for a Single Page App through the Admin Console
Overhaul the look of the chat example
Support for a LiveOak MongoDB
that can be used by any application for astorage
backend. -
Yeoman generator
Updated OpenShift cartridge
Importing applications from the filesystem or git url
Along with many other improvements and bug fixes.
For a full list of all the resolved issues, see the Release Notes.
Viliam Rockai has put together an easy to use Yeoman Generator for LiveOak!
All you need to do is, install yeoman:
npm install -g yo
Install the LiveOak Yeoman generator:
npm install -g generator-liveoak
And generate the example LiveOak chat application:
yo liveoak {yourAppName}
And then grunt serve
to start the application. It’s as simple as that to have a simple chat application up and running,
and communicating with a LiveOak server!
Some of the key features we’re looking to introduce before we go final:
API usage metrics and basic analytics
SDKs and tooling
Continued UX improvements to the Console
Please download it and try it out, then go to our community page, subscribe to the mailing list and share your feedback!