Flux js and css routes crash after artisan optimize #998
Flux version
Livewire version
What is the problem?
The AssetManager.php declares routes to flux's assets, via callback: AssetManager.php#L43:
The callback contains a __DIR__
When deploying through vapor (vapor deploy production
) without a CI/CD pipeline, the artisan optimize
command is run in the context of the local machine. This is usually not a problem, except if a route is an inlined callback, in which case the callback is fully serialized. See the ./bootstrap/cache/routes-v7.php
// ...
'uri' => 'flux/flux.css',
'action' =>
array (
'uses' => 'O:55:"Laravel\\SerializableClosure\\UnsignedSerializableClosure":1:{s:12:"serializable";O:46:"Laravel\\SerializableClosure\\Serializers\\Native":5:{s:3:"use";a:0:{}s:8:"function";s:420:"function () {
return \\Flux\\Flux::pro()
? $this->pretendResponseIsFile(\'/Users/vorban/repositories/github/my-repository/vendor/livewire/flux/src\'.\'/../../flux-pro/dist/flux.css\', \'text/css\')
: $this->pretendResponseIsFile(\'/Users/vorban/repositories/github/my-repository/vendor/livewire/flux/src\'.\'/../../flux/dist/flux-lite.css\', \'text/css\');
'as' => 'generated::D5bVtasSPym8w366',
// ...
The important part is \'/Users/vorban/repositories/github/my-repository/vendor/livewire...
-> this is an absolute path on my machine.
After a successful deployment, we get HTTP 500 on the flux routes:
"exception": {
"class": "ErrorException",
"message": "filemtime(): stat failed for /Users/vorban/repositories/my-repository/.vapor/build/app/vendor/livewire/flux/src/../../flux-pro/dist/flux.min.js",
"code": 0,
"file": "/var/task/vendor/livewire/flux/src/AssetManager.php:128"
"aws_request_id": "redacted"
We can bypass this issue by omitting artisan optimize
from the vapor build commands.
Code snippets
No snippet required. Install flux, and run php artisan route:cache
or php artisan optimize
. Observe the route cache file.
How do you expect it to work?
We'd expect flux routes to have the same behaviour, with or without artisan optimize
, regardless of the context of execution.
Declaring a regular controller to handle the routing could be a potential fix (although I haven't had the time to test this myself), as there would be no callback to serialize.
Please confirm (incomplete submissions will not be addressed)
- I have provided easy and step-by-step instructions to reproduce the bug.
- I have provided code samples as text and NOT images.
- I understand my bug report will be closed if I haven't met the criteria above.