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Technical Development Getting Started Guide

Welcome to the LobeChat technical development getting started guide. LobeChat is an AI conversation application built on the Next.js framework, which integrates a series of technology stacks to achieve diverse functions and features. This guide will provide a detailed introduction to the main technical components of LobeChat and how to configure and use these technologies in your development environment.


Basic Technology Stack

The core technology stack of LobeChat includes:

  • Framework: We have chosen Next.js, a powerful React framework that provides key features such as server-side rendering, routing framework, and Router Handler for our project.
  • Component Library: We use Ant Design (antd) as the basic component library, and also introduce lobe-ui as our business component library.
  • State Management: We have opted for zustand, a lightweight and easy-to-use state management library.
  • Network Requests: We use swr, a React Hooks library for data fetching.
  • Routing: For routing management, we directly use the solution provided by Next.js itself.
  • Internationalization: We use i18next to implement multi-language support for the application.
  • Styling: We use antd-style, a CSS-in-JS library that complements Ant Design.
  • Unit Testing: We use vitest for unit testing.

Folder Directory Structure

The folder directory structure of LobeChat is as follows:

├── app        # Main logic of the application and code related to state management
├── components # Reusable UI components
├── config     # Application configuration files, including client-side environment variables and server-side environment variables
├── const      # Used to define constants, such as action types, route names, etc.
├── features   # Function modules related to business features, such as Agent settings, plugin development pop-ups, etc.
├── hooks      # Custom utility hooks reused throughout the application
├── layout     # Application layout components, such as navigation bars, sidebars, etc.
├── locales    # Language files for internationalization
├── services   # Encapsulated backend service interfaces, such as HTTP requests
├── store      # Zustand store for state management
├── types      # TypeScript type definition files
└── utils      # Common utility functions

For a detailed introduction to the directory structure, please refer to: Folder Directory Structure

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