When I attempt to change an element to be scrolled by the locomotive it just does not work. I could see a workaround on the v5 docs using event listeners for a wheel, but it's such a mess I could not imagine writing this in my own app.
I also tried below code in Lenis before, same thing. There is absolutely no reaction from these libraries whatsoever 😕.
export function LocomotiveScroll() {
const { locomotive, locomotiveContainer } = useGlobalSnapshot()
useEffect(() => {
store.locomotive = ref(new Locomotive())
}, [])
useEffect(() => {
locomotive && store.locomotive!.destroy()
store.locomotive = ref(new Locomotive({ el: locomotiveContainer || undefined }))
}, [locomotiveContainer])
return <></>
My question is simple: how do you work with dynamic elements popping up, eg dialogs, modals? I have no idea why destroying and isntance and recreating it with an el
set to the dialog scrollable container has no reaction 😕.