平台兼容性说明 / Notes on platform compatibility
本服务提供的 .NET SDK 仅适用于 LoongArch 新世界(“ABI2.0”)。如您有 LoongArch 旧世界(“ABI1.0”)开发需求,请移步龙芯公司 .NET 发布页面。您可阅读《新世界与旧世界》一文获知更多关于LoongArch“新旧世界”情况的细节。
.NET SDK 的个别组件是以 C/C++ 写作的,架构相关的二进制。我们采用 LoongArch64 v1.00 作为 LoongArch 的二进制兼容基准,遵循《LoongArch 软件开发与构建约定》v0.1(目前仅提供英文版)。这意味着本服务提供的 .NET SDK 可以兼容所有支持 LSX 的 LoongArch 硬件、操作系统组合。
这同时也意味着本 SDK 无法在不提供 LSX 的平台上工作,主要涉及那些龙芯等厂商将其归属于“嵌入式”或“工控”场景的型号,包括但不限于龙芯 1 系、2K1000LA、2K0500、2K0300 等。
如您有需要在这些平台上使用本 SDK,请在工单系统上表明需求,但我们不一定有能力在短期内支持。
The .NET SDKs provided by this service conforms to the LoongArch new world ("ABI2.0") only. If you need to develop for the old world ("ABI1.0"), please consult the Loongson .NET release page for details. You can read more about the LoongArch "old and new worlds" situation in the The Old World and the New World essay (only available in Chinese for now).
Some components of .NET SDK are written in C/C++ and architecture-dependent. We adopt LoongArch64 v1.00 as the baseline of binary compatibility for LoongArch, and follow the Software Development and Build Convention for LoongArch™ Architectures v0.1. This means the .NET SDKs provided by this service are compatible with any hardware and OS combination that supports LSX.
This also means our SDKs will not work on platforms without LSX, that mainly involve models deemed for "embedded" or "industrial controls" use cases by Loongson and other vendors, including but not limited to the Loongson 1 series, 2K1000LA, 2K0500, and 2K0300.
If you need to deploy our SDKs on such platforms, please post on the issue tracker, although we may not be able to implement such support in the short term.
内容介绍 / Contents
RID linux-loongarch64
这些构建产物适用于以 glibc 为 C 运行时库的 LoongArch64 Linux 发行版,也就是大多数发行版。所需的最低 glibc 版本为 2.40。
These artifacts are suitable for use on LoongArch64 Linux distributions with glibc as the C runtime library, which include most distributions out there. A minimum glibc version of 2.40 is needed.
二进制包 / Binaries | 校验和 / Checksums |
.NET SDK | SHA256, SHA512 |
调试符号 (所有) / Debug symbols (all) | SHA256, SHA512 |
调试符号 (SDK) / Debug symbols (SDK) | SHA256, SHA512 |
RID linux-musl-loongarch64
这些构建产物适用于以 musl 为 C 运行时库的 LoongArch64 Linux 发行版,如 Alpine Linux 等。所需的最低 musl 版本为 1.2.5。
These artifacts are suitable for use on LoongArch64 Linux distributions with musl as the C runtime library, such as Alpine Linux. A minimum musl version of 1.2.5 is needed.
在运行时,还需要一些额外依赖。以 Alpine Linux 的包名列举如下,至少需要这些:
Additional dependencies are needed at runtime. At least the below are needed, in terms of Alpine Linux package names:
二进制包 / Binaries | 校验和 / Checksums |
.NET SDK | SHA256, SHA512 |
调试符号 (所有) / Debug symbols (all) | SHA256, SHA512 |
调试符号 (SDK) / Debug symbols (SDK) | SHA256, SHA512 |
RID linux-x64
这是适用于 x86_64 Linux 系统的“第一阶段”(Stage 1)构建产物,与官方出品的区别在于包含了支持 LoongArch 平台所需的额外改动。可供需要在 x86_64 系统上做实验或交叉编译的人员便捷取用。
These artifacts are "Stage 1" builds for x86_64 Linux systems, different from the official product in that extra changes for LoongArch support are integrated. These are suitable for your experimentation or cross-compilation convenience on x86_64 systems.
二进制包 / Binaries | 校验和 / Checksums |
.NET SDK | SHA256, SHA512 |
调试符号 (所有) / Debug symbols (all) | SHA256, SHA512 |
调试符号 (SDK) / Debug symbols (SDK) | SHA256, SHA512 |
其他:面向开发者与镜像源管理员 / Others: for developers and mirror admins
对于常规用途,仅需下载 dotnet-sdk-*.tar.gz
形如 Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts.*
的压缩包,用于从源码构建 .NET SDK 本身,就像本项目所做的一样。如果您是 .NET 贡献者,您应该就已经明白如何利用它们了。
希望自行搭建 .NET 更新源(例如适合用于 dotnet-install.sh
脚本的 --azure-feed
选项的下载服务)的开发者,可基于所提供的 sdk-feed-stage*.tar
For general usage, only downloading dotnet-sdk-*.tar.gz
would be enough.
The Private.SourceBuilt.Artifacts.*
archives are used to build .NET SDK itself from source, just like this project does. You should already know how to make use of these if you are a .NET contributor.
Developers who wish to self-host their .NET update feed (for example a download service suitable for the --azure-feed
option of dotnet-install.sh
) can start from the sdk-feed-stage*.tar
files provided.