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Expected Behavior
When validating a field with an union string like :
import { Body, Controller, Path, Post, Response, Route } from 'tsoa';
type CountryISO =
| "ES"
| "FR"
| "BE"
class UserAddress {
address: string;
city: string;
country: CountryISO;
export class UserController extends Controller {
public async setUserAddress(
@Body() body: UserAddress,
@Path() userId: number,
): Promise<void> {
If I call the endpoint with an incorrect value for the field country, I want to receive this message :
Could not match the union against any of the items. Issues: [{\"\":{\"message\":\"should be one of the following; ['ES', 'FR', 'BE']\",\"value\": 'PT'}}]
Current Behavior
The validation message received is :
Could not match the union against any of the items. Issues: [{\"\":{\"message\":\"should be one of the following; ['ES']\",\"value\":'PT'}},{\"\":{\"message\":\"should be one of the following; ['FR']\",\"value\":'PT'}},{\"\":{\"message\":\"should be one of the following; ['BE']\",\"value\":'PT'}}]
Context (Environment)
Version of the library: 6.6.0
Version of NodeJS: 22.14.0
- Confirm you were using yarn not npm: [x]