Hi everybody,
I have had this problem for some time now and didn't find a solution, so I hope you guys can help me out.
When I use zsh-nvm
without lazy load, the session start takes insanely long (~30 seconds).
That startup is only that slow when I open Terminal the first time after a restart of the machine.
When I use lazy loading, .nvmrc
files are ignored until I manually enter something like nvm -v
and then cd
in the corresponding folder.
I just saw that you wrote about this in the README:
I tried to fix it according to issue #28 but adding PATH before zsh-nvm didn't change anything.
add-zsh-hook chpwd _zsh_nvm_auto_use && echo yep || echo nope
gives me yep
I don't know what I should look for or what the culprit could be.
I hope you guys can give me some tips on where to look!