There appears to be a minor issue when luacov
attempts to scan over a symbolic link - I suspect the issue is actually in lfs
which should return a mode
attribute of 'link'
for a symbolic link, but instead it returns nil
as the attributes table which causes a nil
lua: .../Cellar/luarocks/3.8.0/share/lua/5.4/luacov/reporter.lua:133: attempt to index a nil value (local 'attr')
stack traceback:
.../Cellar/luarocks/3.8.0/share/lua/5.4/luacov/reporter.lua:133: in local 'add_empty_dir_coverage_data'
.../Cellar/luarocks/3.8.0/share/lua/5.4/luacov/reporter.lua:141: in method 'new'
.../Cellar/luarocks/3.8.0/share/lua/5.4/luacov/reporter.lua:489: in function ''
...ew/Cellar/luarocks/3.8.0/share/lua/5.4/luacov/runner.lua:134: in function 'luacov.run_report'
...ew/Cellar/luarocks/3.8.0/share/lua/5.4/luacov/runner.lua:147: in upvalue 'on_exit'
...ew/Cellar/luarocks/3.8.0/share/lua/5.4/luacov/runner.lua:469: in function 'luaunit.oldOsExit'
...homebrew/Cellar/luarocks/3.8.0/share/lua/5.4/luaunit.lua:132: in function 'os.exit'
test/test_suite.lua:16: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
I have a work-around which guards against this issue, but does not fix the underlying problem.
Build System Used
MacOS: 11.6.7 (M1)
Lua: 5.4
luarocks versions:
luacov: 0.15.0-1
luafilesystem: 1.8.0-1
Work-around patch to reporter.lua
Adding an extra guard attr and
seems to "fix" the issue.
line 36:
if attr and attr.mode == "directory" then
line 133
if attr and attr.mode == "file" and fileMatches(filename, '.%.lua$') then