This depends on #127.
Once global error-handling is implemented, we will add global event wrapping. Every place where C accepts a lua function to be used as a callback later on, it will be optionally replaced with a new function (usually a wrapped version). This is useful for event tracing, long stack traces and other diagnostics related to event chains and trees.
The global callback wrapper/mutator will be set the same way as the global error handler in #127, but as a third arg to, onError, onRegister)
The onRegister(type, scope, fn)
function will return an optional function to replace the passed in fn. For example, a simple logger that logs all timer setups and timeout will look like:, nil, function (type, scope, fn)
-- Ignore non-timer events
if type ~= "timer" then return end
print("setup", scope)
return function (...)
print("emit", scope)
return fn(...)
local timer = uv.new_timer()
timer:start(100, 100, function ()
This would print setup uv_timer_t: 0x41bc5c60
before timer:start()
returned and then later on every interval tick would print emit uv_timer_t: 0x41bc5c60
before running the callback that prints tick