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macherel edited this page Mar 31, 2020 · 11 revisions

Store and display up to 8 QR codes on your Garmin watch.


  1. Fill widget settings using Garmin Connect™ Mobile on your phone (to add new QR code)
    • Go to "Garmin Devices" > "[NAME OF YOUR WATCH]" > "Activities & App Management" > "Widgets" > "QR Code Viewer" > "SETTINGS"
    • Enable any value
    • Fill "Label" field with any text you want to display
    • Fill "Value" field with the value of your QR Code (you may eventually first decode an existing one with any QR code reader on your phone)
    • Click on "Done" button
  2. On your watch, go to the widget and press select button to choose a QR code
  3. Enjoy !

Note : To get value from an existing QR code (and copy it to settings), you can use a QR code reader on your phone (I personnaly use QRDroid on my android phone)

Offline mode

You can now configure the widget to be used offline (without your phone) in widget setting.

Only the first QR code will be accessible offline without a valid token. Please make a donation and send me an email to get a valid token and have fully functionnal offline mode.

Important : If you are not in "offline mode", your phone needs an available data connexion to generate QR code on your watch

Manage your codes using an advanced interface

In the widget setting, fill the "token" field and enable "external data". Then you can manage your codes using

Using this interface, you can edit more precisely your codes and add break lines that are needed by VCard. You can also generate other type of code like Aztec code or barcodes.

Codes managed with this interface can be ordered by distance using your current position. Only the 8th closest codes will be synchronized with your watch.

Important : A valid token is required to use this interface.


Name Description
Display label Display the label above the code
Enable If check the following code will appear in the selection menu
Label A short description of the current code
Value The value corresponding to the current code
Type The type of code (default: "qrcode"). List of the supported types
Retain menu index If checked, focus will be on the last selected code instead of the first one when you select a new code
Customize QR code URL If checked and if offline mode is disabled, you can customize the service that produce code image
QR code URL i.e.${SIZE}x${SIZE}&data=${DATA}&margin=0
Size Uses to adjust the size of the code displayed
Offset Y Deprecated
Enable offline mode If checked, offline mode will be enabled. Internet connection is required only the first time the widget is loaded
Token Token required to have a full featured widget
Enable external data Allows you to synchronize the widget with the codes managed by the web interface
Order codes by distance Allows you to order the codes managed from the web interface according to the current position


If you really enjoy this widget, please let me know by offering me a beer :

All contributions, translation, bug reports, bug fixes, documentation improvements, enhancements and ideas are welcome.

Remember, if you have an idea or encounter any bugs feel free to report it here :

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