Products Fixtures generation Error: The entity ID field for the "catalog_data_exporter_products_cl" table wasn't found. #26
Both simple products and configurable products fixtures generation goes on error during CLI command : The entity ID field for the catalog_data_exporter_products_cl table wasn't found. Verify the field and try again.
Preconditions (*)
- Vanilla Magento Enterprise on Prem. 2.4.6-p4
- Catalog Service module installed
composer require magento/catalog-service=^3.0.1
Steps to reproduce (*)
- Run CLI command setup:perf:generate-fixtures with existing profile file path:
bin/magento setup:perf:generate-fixtures setup/performance-toolkit/profiles/ee/medium.xml
Expected result (*)
- For simple products: Generating simple products... done
For configurable products: Generating configurable products... done
Actual result (*)
- For simple products: Generating simple products... The entity ID field for the "catalog_data_exporter_products_cl" table wasn't found. Verify the field and try again.
For configurable products: Generating configurable products... The entity ID field for the "catalog_data_exporter_products_cl" table wasn't found. Verify the field and try again.
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