455 | 455 | <resizeWindow width="767" height="1000" stepKey="resizeWindowToMobile"/>
456 | 456 | <seeElement selector="{{BannerOnFrontend.wysiwygLinkUrl('1', ExternalLink.googleUrl)}}" stepKey="waitForBannerStorefrontMobile"/>
457 | 457 | </test>
| 458 | + <test name="BannerPosterContentCanWordWrap"> |
| 459 | + <annotations> |
| 460 | + <features value="PageBuilder"/> |
| 461 | + <stories value="Banner"/> |
| 462 | + <title value="Poster - Banner content can wrap words to multiple lines"/> |
| 463 | + <description value="A user can see banner poster content word wrap to multiple lines"/> |
| 464 | + <severity value="CRITICAL"/> |
| 465 | + <useCaseId value="MC-4965"/> |
| 466 | + <testCaseId value="MC-5631"/> |
| 467 | + <group value="pagebuilder"/> |
| 468 | + <group value="pagebuilder-banner"/> |
| 469 | + <group value="pagebuilder-bannerPoster"/> |
| 470 | + <group value="pagebuilder-wordWrap"/> |
| 471 | + </annotations> |
| 472 | + <before> |
| 473 | + <resizeWindow width="1280" height="1024" stepKey="resetWindowToDesktopBefore"/> |
| 474 | + <actionGroup ref="LoginAsAdmin" stepKey="loginAsAdmin"/> |
| 475 | + <actionGroup ref="navigateToAPageWithPageBuilder" stepKey="navigateToAPageWithPageBuilder"/> |
| 476 | + <actionGroup ref="switchToPageBuilderStage" stepKey="switchToPageBuilderStage"/> |
| 477 | + </before> |
| 478 | + <after> |
| 479 | + <resizeWindow width="1280" height="1024" stepKey="resizeWindowToDesktopAfter"/> |
| 480 | + <actionGroup ref="logout" stepKey="logout"/> |
| 481 | + </after> |
| 482 | + <actionGroup ref="addPageBuilderPageTitle" stepKey="enterPageTitle"> |
| 483 | + <argument name="contentType" value="PageBuilderBannerContentType"/> |
| 484 | + </actionGroup> |
| 485 | + <!-- Add Column to Stage --> |
| 486 | + <comment userInput="Add Column to Stage" stepKey="addColumnToStage"/> |
| 487 | + <actionGroup ref="dragContentTypeToStage" stepKey="dragColumnIntoStage"> |
| 488 | + <argument name="contentType" value="PageBuilderColumnContentType"/> |
| 489 | + </actionGroup> |
| 490 | + <!-- Duplicate Column to create small width --> |
| 491 | + <comment userInput="Duplicate Column to create small width" stepKey="commentDuplicateColumnToCreateSmallWidth"/> |
| 492 | + <actionGroup ref="duplicateContentType" stepKey="duplicateColumn"> |
| 493 | + <argument name="contentType" value="PageBuilderColumnContentType"/> |
| 494 | + <argument name="targetIndex" value="1"/> |
| 495 | + <argument name="expectedIndex" value="3"/> |
| 496 | + <argument name="contentTypeXCoordinate" value="10"/> |
| 497 | + <argument name="contentTypeYCoordinate" value="0"/> |
| 498 | + </actionGroup> |
| 499 | + <!-- Add content type to Column --> |
| 500 | + <comment userInput="Add content type to Column" stepKey="addContentTypeToColumn"/> |
| 501 | + <actionGroup ref="expandPageBuilderPanelGroup" stepKey="expandGroupElements"> |
| 502 | + <argument name="group" value="PageBuilderBannerContentType"/> |
| 503 | + </actionGroup> |
| 504 | + <actionGroup ref="dragContentTypeToContainer" stepKey="dragIntoStage"> |
| 505 | + <argument name="contentType" value="PageBuilderBannerContentType"/> |
| 506 | + <argument name="containerTargetType" value="PageBuilderColumnContentType"/> |
| 507 | + </actionGroup> |
| 508 | + <actionGroup ref="inlineEditWYSIWYGFromStage" stepKey="inlineEdit"> |
| 509 | + <argument name="contentType" value="PageBuilderBannerContentType"/> |
| 510 | + <argument name="content" value="{{PageBuilderMessageProperty_WordBreak.value}}"/> |
| 511 | + </actionGroup> |
| 512 | + <actionGroup ref="openPageBuilderEditPanel" stepKey="openEditMenuOnStage"> |
| 513 | + <argument name="contentType" value="PageBuilderBannerContentType"/> |
| 514 | + </actionGroup> |
| 515 | + <actionGroup ref="chooseVisualSelectOption" stepKey="enterAppearanceProperty"> |
| 516 | + <argument name="property" value="PageBuilderAppearance_Poster"/> |
| 517 | + </actionGroup> |
| 518 | + <actionGroup ref="saveEditPanelSettings" stepKey="saveEditPanelSettings"/> |
| 519 | + <click selector="{{PageBuilderPanel.searchPanel}}" stepKey="unFocusEditor"/> |
| 520 | + <!-- Validate Height Before Save --> |
| 521 | + <comment userInput="Validate Height Before Save" stepKey="commentValidateBeforeSave"/> |
| 522 | + <actionGroup ref="validateContentWordHeight" stepKey="validateContentWordHeightStage"> |
| 523 | + <argument name="page" value="BannerOnBackend"/> |
| 524 | + <argument name="height" value="110"/> |
| 525 | + </actionGroup> |
| 526 | + <actionGroup ref="saveAndContinueEditCmsPage" stepKey="saveAndContinueEditCmsPage"/> |
| 527 | + <actionGroup ref="switchToPageBuilderStage" stepKey="switchToPageBuilderStage2"/> |
| 528 | + <!-- Validate Height After Save --> |
| 529 | + <comment userInput="Validate Height After Save" stepKey="commentValidateAfterSave"/> |
| 530 | + <actionGroup ref="validateContentWordHeight" stepKey="validateContentWordHeightAfterSave"> |
| 531 | + <argument name="page" value="BannerOnBackend"/> |
| 532 | + <argument name="height" value="110"/> |
| 533 | + </actionGroup> |
| 534 | + <actionGroup ref="navigateToStoreFront" stepKey="navigateToStoreFront"> |
| 535 | + <argument name="contentType" value="PageBuilderBannerContentType"/> |
| 536 | + </actionGroup> |
| 537 | + <!-- Validate Height Storefront --> |
| 538 | + <comment userInput="Validate Height Storefront" stepKey="commentValidateStorefront"/> |
| 539 | + <actionGroup ref="validateContentWordHeight" stepKey="validateContentWordHeightStorefront"> |
| 540 | + <argument name="page" value="BannerOnFrontend"/> |
| 541 | + <argument name="height" value="50"/> |
| 542 | + </actionGroup> |
| 543 | + </test> |
458 | 544 | <test name="BannerPosterButtonNeverShow">
459 | 545 | <annotations>
460 | 546 | <features value="PageBuilder"/>
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