Releases: magento/magento2-page-builder
Releases · magento/magento2-page-builder
1.1.0 Release
Compatible with Magento Commerce 2.3.3.
- Added explicit product sorting to the Products content type.
- Added buttons for inserting images, widgets, and variables in the HTML content type.
- Improved Page Builder security.
- Updated Page Builder to support PHP version 7.3.
- Updated TinyMCE to version 4.9.5. This update, along with our additional improvements, fixed several TinyMCE inline editor issues:
- Variables, images, & image links now get added where the cursor is place.
- Tables and table cells can now be center aligned.
- Copy/paste now pastes content at the cursor’s position.
- Links can now be applied to selected text.
- Bullets are now properly aligned.
- Changes within the inline editor can now be saved without first clicking outside the editor.
- Fixed an issue in which the minimum height & vertical alignment was inconsistent between sections on the edit panel for each content type.
- Fixed an issue in which the toolbar from the Heading content type was positioned incorrectly when first dropped on the stage.
- Fixed hard-coded margins in both Slider and Video content types.
- Fixed an issue in which the required asterisk symbol was displayed twice on form fields.
1.0.1 Release
Ensures compatibility with Magento Commerce 2.3.2.
1.0.0 Release
Compatible with Magento Commerce 2.3.1.
General availability release!
To learn more about Page Builder and Page Builder development:
- For developers: What is Page Builder?
- For end-users: Page Builder User Guide
Beta 8
Resolved: Analytics module sequence issue.
Beta 6
- Resolved: Background attachments of “fixed” do not work in storefront on Android or iPhone mobile devices
- Resolved: Minimum height issues with Columns
- Resolved: Parallax fixed settings should work in admin and storefront
- Resolved: Move data migration into its own module
- Resolved: Changing row appearance with two rows on stage breaks admin
- Resolved: Banner and Slider TinyMCE menus display inconsistently in admin
- Improved: Test coverage for CMS Blocks and Catalog Product
Beta 5
- Resolved: Prefixed field names with section name to avoid field name collision
- Resolved: MFTF: Rewrite Selectors/ActionGroups to allow using PageBuilder in non-CMS page areas
- Resolved: Right/Left Margin Not Working For Content Types
- Resolved: Alignment doesn’t work for Slide, Banners, & Text Placeholders & for Slide Content & Banner Poster Content
- Resolved: Implement better developer error reporting
- Resolved: Banner placeholder disappears when user switching between different appearances
Beta 4
- Resolved: Collage Center/Left/Right doesn't work correctly in a container smaller than 100% width
- Resolved: Contained row appearance renders too small when in smaller container or in Block/Dynamic Block
- Resolved: XSS Vulnerability in Page Builder
Beta 3
- Improve handling of invalid Google Maps API keys
- Remove legacy overlay transparency field from banner & slider in favour of using the colour picker
- Resolve box sizing issues on storefront and admin
- Resolve issue with initiation of tabs breaking in certain scenarios
- Resolve performance issues with "Edit with Page Builder" button in category and product areas
- Resolve numerous issues within staging slide out
Beta 2
- Resolved: Image inside Text Content Type is scaled on stage
- Resolved: Padding is not respected on Text
- Resolved: Saving Slide Button Type As Secondary Or Link Will Still Show As Primary On Edit Form
- Resolved: Columns Widths Are Not Consistent Between Stage & Storefront
- Resolved: Review Information Covered By Add To Cart Button On Products On Stage
- Resolved: Hard Coded Padding On Button Groups & On Text
- Resolved: Remove Reset Button From Slide Outs For All Content Types
- Resolved: Remove is_hideable option from content type configuration
- Resolved: IE11 - Cannot Use Slide Item Option Menu
Beta Release
Page Builder initial beta release.