| 1 | +2.0.0-rc2 |
| 2 | +============= |
| 3 | +* Fixed bugs: |
| 4 | + * Fixed an issue where video didn’t play on iPad and iPhone |
| 5 | + * Fixed an issue where Admin panel was not accessible if port was used in URL |
| 6 | + * Fixed an issue where database name could not be changed after fail during installation process |
| 7 | + * Fixed an issue where bundle items quantities could not be saved when editing a bundle product in a wishlist on the storefront |
| 8 | + * Fixed PHP issue which appeared during Text Swatch product attribute creation |
| 9 | + * Fixed Mini Shopping Cart re-sizing after removing the product |
| 10 | + * Fixed an issue with negative subtotal during PayPal checkout |
| 11 | + * Fixed inconsistent credit card validation |
| 12 | + * Fixed an issue where the Product Gallery did not completely overlay the bottom layer in the full-screen view |
| 13 | + * Fixed an issue where the Product Gallery could not be easily opened in the full-screen view |
| 14 | + * Fixed an issue where the “+” icon was displayed on video preview hover |
| 15 | + * Fixed an issue where video preview was visible under video player |
| 16 | + * Fixed an issue where 'Admin' was not a required field for the new Swatch |
| 17 | + * Fixed an issue where shipping and billing country information was not transmitted to PayPal |
| 18 | + * Fixed an issue with the attribute in configurable products |
| 19 | + * Fixed a category page load time |
| 20 | + * Removed space outside the visible area in Admin |
| 21 | + * Fixed an issue where Magento was stuck in the maintenance mode, if a backup was created when disabling modules via Web Setup Wizard |
| 22 | + * Fixed session response to be in JSON |
| 23 | + * Fixed an issue where an out of stock product was displayed on the storefront |
| 24 | + * Fixed an error which appeared during product import with replace behavior |
| 25 | + * Fixed an issue were URL rewrites in catalog categories were wrong after URL key for a store view was changed or a category was moved |
| 26 | + * Fixed an issue where JSON was received instead of normal page when trying to delete a category after reset |
| 27 | + * Fixed an issue where product API with "all" store code did not work |
| 28 | + * Fixed the misleading system message about invalid indexers |
| 29 | + * Fixed an issue where a bundle product created using Web API was not visible on the storefront |
| 30 | + * Fixed an issue where it was impossible to save more than one configuration for a configurable product with the text swatch attribute |
| 31 | + * Fixed an issue with the absence of a proper indication about why an image could not be deleted not deleted when it was used in one of the store views |
| 32 | + * Fixed an issue with data modification in export result file |
| 33 | + * Fixed an issue with the incorrect behavior of the required check box custom |
| 34 | + * Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when trying to install Magento having previously installed and uninstalled it |
| 35 | + * Fixed an issue where changing the layout of a CMS page caused its design theme to change to Magento Blank |
| 36 | + * Fixed an issue where CMS pages API did not work with store code |
| 37 | + * Fixed an issue where CMS blocks API did not work for multiple websites |
| 38 | + * Fixed an issue where XSS Payload could been saved into Admin Panel |
| 39 | + * Fixed an issue where an error caused by adding a new swatch attribute persisted after deleting the attribute |
| 40 | + * Fixed PHP notice which appeared during text swatch product attribute creation |
| 41 | + * Fixed JS error on credit memo view grid during export to CSV |
| 42 | + * Fixed an issue where a user was redirected to a blank page when canceling checkout with PayPal Express in Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution |
| 43 | + * Fixed an issue where it was impossible to checkout if Persistent Shopping Cart is enabled |
| 44 | + * Fixed an issue where it was impossible to complete the Braintree PayPal Checkout if Street line 2 is empty |
| 45 | + * Fixed an issue with XSS Payload in website's translation table |
| 46 | + * Fixed an issue where payment functionality matrix section was suitable only for AbstractMethod specializations, leaving other payment methods without valuable information |
| 47 | +* GitHub issues and requests: |
| 48 | + * [#2276](https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/2276) -- Notice: getimagesize(): Read error! in app/code/Magento/Catalog/Model/Product/Image.php on line 949 |
| 49 | + * [#2128](https://github.com/magento/magento2/issues/2128) -- wrong filename on products list |
| 50 | + |
1 | 51 | 2.0.0-rc
2 | 52 | =============
3 | 53 | * Performance improvements:
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