Preconditions (*)
- Magento 2.3.4 & 2.4-develop
- PHP 7.2.27
Steps to reproduce (*)
- Create a custom module with a field of any data type, for example "varchar", nullable.
- Insert one record with a (not null) value into the varchar field
- Update programmatically with null value, i.e.:
$testRepository = $obj->get('\Acme\Test\Api\TestRepositoryInterface');
$test = $testRepository->get(1);
Expected result (*)
- Field value is NULL
Actual result (*)
- Field value still contains the old value
Gate 2 Passed. Manual verification of the issue description passedGate 3 Passed. Manual verification of the issue completed. Issue is confirmedGate 1 Passed. Automatic verification of issue format passedGate 4. Acknowledged. Issue is added to backlog and ready for developmentMay be fixed according to the position in the backlog.Indicates original Magento version for the Issue report.The issue has been reproduced on latest 2.4-develop branchAffects non-critical data or functionality and does not force users to employ a workaround.Issue related to Developer Experience and needs help with Triage to Confirm or Reject it