This issue is automatically created based on existing pull request: #26968: Making message lock release possible
Description (*)
Message can't be processed by the same consumer if it was rejected previuosly, beacause message lock is not released.
If we create dead-letter exchange (so far not possible using xml-s - see related PRs) we want our consumer to process the same message again later. It is not possible, because message is locked in db and we get exception here. It should be released here when message was rejected but it's not, because saving lock process create separate lock object, and one we pass as argument doesn't get populated with id.
I will fix test, as soon as solution will be accepted.
If PR will be accepted, please port to 2.3 as well.
Related Pull Requests
Manual testing scenarios (*)
- Publish message on queue
- Make consumer reject it
- Make consumer somehow consume it again (for example dead letter exchange)
- Message should be consumer and acked or rejected again, but not because of lock.
Questions or comments
Contribution checklist (*)
- Pull request has a meaningful description of its purpose
- All commits are accompanied by meaningful commit messages
- All new or changed code is covered with unit/integration tests (if applicable)
- All automated tests passed successfully (all builds are green)