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Custom "attribute_set_id" filter applied by the collection processors override condition type in search criteria #29403




Preconditions (*)

  1. Magento 2.4 / 2.3.5-p2 / 2.4-develop

Steps to reproduce (*)

  1. Create one or more attribute sets
  2. Create one or more attribute groups in these attribute sets
  3. Try to retrieve these attribute groups from both attribute sets using the REST endpoint below


Expected result (*)

  1. Attribute groups from the given attribute sets in the search criteria

Actual result (*)

  1. No results or only the results from the attribute set of which the id is the first id in the comma separated list of ids ("14,25,30,60" would only return the attribute groups from the attribute set with id 14, for example)


Magento\Eav\Model\Api\SearchCriteria\CollectionProcessor\FilterProcessor\AttributeGroupAttributeSetIdFilter does not take into account any of the other condition types supported by the search criteria as described in the Magento API documentation.

It overrides any given condition type with eq.

Please provide Severity assessment for the Issue as Reporter. This information will help during Confirmation and Issue triage processes.

  • Severity: S0 - Affects critical data or functionality and leaves users without workaround.
  • Severity: S1 - Affects critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S2 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S3 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and does not force users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S4 - Affects aesthetics, professional look and feel, “quality” or “usability”.

Additional info from Engcom

Attribute set id from eav_attribute_group table
GET catalogProductAttributeGroupRepositoryV1

The response body contains only 1, despite that three values are entered comma separated





Component: ApiUse with concrete module component label E.g. "Component: Api" + "Catalog"Component: AttributesIssue: ConfirmedGate 3 Passed. Manual verification of the issue completed. Issue is confirmedIssue: ready for confirmationPriority: P3May be fixed according to the position in the backlog.Progress: dev in progressReported on 2.3.5-p2Indicates original Magento version for the Issue report.Reproduced on 2.4.xThe issue has been reproduced on latest 2.4-develop branchSeverity: S3Affects non-critical data or functionality and does not force users to employ a workaround.stale issue


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