Description (*)
As a matter of facts, Magentos philosophy is to first ask for the shipping address and this is causing confusion if a customer wants to ship something to a different address.
If a customer did register to the system it is not a big problem, because billing address is already stored in his account. Starting with the shipping address in this case is OK and he can add a different address where to ship the order to.
But think about guest customers. For those customers it is not logical to first enter the shipping address as first step in the checkout and afterwards entering there own address for the billing.
Very confusing and we face the problem, that customers do not understand it.
Expected behavior (*)
So, guest checkout should first ask for the customers address (which is in most cases as well the billing address) and as a second step the shipping address if he wants to send it to another one. Existing logic is the other way around. In my point of view it is wrong.
I found a couple of reports and questions in stackexchange where people ask exactly for this feature.
It would help to make the checkout easier for guests and as well compatible with some legal stuff, such as in germany.
As far as I know many other shop systems use this way I described and as I said already it is more locial to first ask for the customers data which is the billing address (the most important). Second step is shipment.
Additional information
If somebody read this, knowing an existing module doing this I would like to know it.
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