Footer: About Us and Customer Service links not appear as Active when go to that pages
Preconditions (*)
1.Magento 2.4
Steps to reproduce (*)
- Footer: Click on About Us/Customer Service
- Observe the links
Expected result (*)
It should show as active as compare other links like Privacy and Cookie Policy
Actual result (*)
Please provide Severity assessment for the Issue as Reporter. This information will help during Confirmation and Issue triage processes.
- Severity: S0 - Affects critical data or functionality and leaves users without workaround.
- Severity: S1 - Affects critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
- Severity: S2 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
- Severity: S3 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and does not force users to employ a workaround.
- Severity: S4 - Affects aesthetics, professional look and feel, “quality” or “usability”.