Preconditions (*)
- Magento 2.4.3-p1 | Magento 2.4.5-p1, 2.4-develop
- Multi-Store Setup
Steps to reproduce (*)
- Place an order in a Multi-Store (both websites)
- Delete the 2nd website. (Admin - Stores - All Stores - Open Website and delete)
- Reindex and flush cache
- Refresh Bestsellers Statistics (Refresh Lifetime Statistics / Refresh Statistics for the Last Day) .
(Reports - Products - Best Sellers - Click on refresh Statistics link - Select Best Sellers checkbox - Refresh - Submit) - Verify DB tables: sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly and sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly tables
- Select Best Sellers again and refresh
- Verify Db tables
Expected result (*)
- sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly and sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly tables not to add new entries every time Refresh Bestsellers Statistics (Including the Cron)
Actual result (*)
- sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly and sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly tables add new entries every time Refresh Bestsellers Statistics (Including the Cron)
When you have 100,000 orders on the deleted website, this become the real issue.