Preconditions and environment
- Magento version: 2.4.6
- Anything else that would help a developer reproduce the bug:
Steps to reproduce
- Create new non-default "Stock" and set the sales channel as your website.
- Create 2 sources: Local, Warehouse.
- Set Local source as an active pickup location and fill out the fields pertaining to this (address, latlong etc)
- Assign these sources to the non-default stock.
- Ensure that the distance settings / api key etc are set correctly so that pickup locations can show on the frontend.
- Create a product, and assign the Local, and Warehouse sources. Set the stock level on Local as 0 (out of stock) and warehouse as 5 (in stock).
- On the frontend, add the product to cart and proceed through the checkout.
- Select the pick in store option.
Expected result
As the product is out of stock for the Local stock source, the store pickup location for this should not appear (or show as unavailable).
Actual result
The store pickup location for the Local stock source shows as available.
Additional information
In order to resolve the issue the product needs to be removed from the Local stock source when out of stock which negates the point of having the out of stock status on these?
Release note
No response
Triage and priority
- Severity: S0 - Affects critical data or functionality and leaves users without workaround.
- Severity: S1 - Affects critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
- Severity: S2 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
- Severity: S3 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and does not force users to employ a workaround.
- Severity: S4 - Affects aesthetics, professional look and feel, “quality” or “usability”.