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When using file storage for the lock provider, we get an ever growing directory of files without any cleanup happening #39369




Preconditions and environment

  • Magento version 2.4.6 / 2.4.7 / 2.4-develop
  • Having the Magento lock provider setup to use file storage, see steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce

  1. Setup clean Magento with sample data
  2. Make sure cronjobs are running
  3. From the root of Magento, execute these commands:
$ mkdir "$(pwd)/var/locks"
$ bin/magento setup:config:set --lock-provider=file --lock-file-path="$(pwd)/var/locks"
$ bin/magento cache:enable
$ bin/magento cache:flush
  1. Start visiting the frontend, please visit many different pages: homepage, category pages, product detail pages, ...
  2. Also create some orders
  3. Look at the contents of the var/locks directory

Ideally you should look at a shop running for many months and where file based locking has been enabled, and inspect the directory that contains those lock files.

Expected result

  • var/locks directory should not overflow with an ever increasing amount of files

Actual result

  • var/locks can contain up to millions of files after several months of running a Magento shop

Example filenames:

- BLOCK_833608638be7d42c9a8edf79b3516f6768babb37b07cb0c924ce1ede8c7b60f4-122217-final_price-EUR-20241114-1-0-
- BLOCK_8c40abe5c67c542dd31f6ed0787db94f9b6c7add8c7eccb4aeff4dc1adb10d9d-122217
- BLOCK_833608638be7d42c9a8edf79b3516f6768babb37b07cb0c924ce1ede8c7b60f4-122209-final_price-EUR-20241114-1-0-
- BLOCK_8c40abe5c67c542dd31f6ed0787db94f9b6c7add8c7eccb4aeff4dc1adb10d9d-122209
- BLOCK_833608638be7d42c9a8edf79b3516f6768babb37b07cb0c924ce1ede8c7b60f4-122213-final_price-EUR-20241114-1-0-
- BLOCK_8c40abe5c67c542dd31f6ed0787db94f9b6c7add8c7eccb4aeff4dc1adb10d9d-122213
- BLOCK_833608638be7d42c9a8edf79b3516f6768babb37b07cb0c924ce1ede8c7b60f4-122194-final_price-EUR-20241114-1-0-
- BLOCK_0dececc6f6ab51b0dc125a1d40b7c4fd8dac44300acc9927a9bbc923f0dc4b1d-122201-final_price-EUR-20241114-1-0-
- BLOCK_fd38c4b3f09eb9f6357edad8fbb6fa37f447f4b29367471c1f63330cfd2e6041
- BLOCK_2b0ceeddda2b7376874129eed2893a53db19081fd2ff426fc9a63a3ad80125d3
- CRON_54ca823af2ab2bc8e0923548a617e1d9
- CRON_597b39571a8e2e02aa3da5b0b669058c
- CRON_5d6e389185b7c7ff8ada1b70e5d5beec
- CRON_5dc531608e6750f85d979bb963298bd3
- CRON_65418d1532274c42fbc28425e8b9b7f1
- CRON_65541ac6ef52e06c546be79471cf53ce
- indexer_lock_category_product

We had one project that had 3.5 million files in that directory, up to a point where the filesystem started complaining with errors like Failed to open stream: No space left on device every time a lock file was needed (there was plenty of disk space, it's just that a directory can't handle that large amount of files in one directory). Another project had 1.9 million files and another had ~170.000 files.

So that's really bad. We need some kind of bugfix or cleanup mechanism to keep this under control.

Additional information

The locking mechanism in Magento is used for various things:

  • to prevent cronjobs from running simultaneously
  • to prevent indexers from indexing simultaneously
  • to prevent queue consumers from running simultaneously
  • to prevent generating Blocks simultaneously when multiple people are visiting the frontend of your webshop at the same time
  • when an order is being made, your quote/cart is being locked for some reason
  • ...

Most of these things result in lock names that are predictable and remain the same over time:

  • cronjob names, crongroup names
  • indexer names
  • queue consumer names

However, some of these are pretty dynamic and those names can change over time:

  • when blocks are generated, for each of them the method getCacheKeyInfo is called and that gets hashed and that hash is being used for the lock name, sometimes with a suffix for the final_price blocks that contain ID's and dates and currencies and so on
  • when quote/cart is being locked, the ID of the quote is being used in the lock name

More observations:

  • This problem got amplified a lot in Magento 2.4.7, because before 2.4.7 the locking provider was forced to use the database for when Blocks were being generated through the LockGuardedCacheLoader, the commit that removed this in 2.4.7 is: 65d8985
  • The quote/cart locking was introduced in Magento 2.4.6 with 074f08b and will get replaced in Magento 2.4.8 with a CartMutex: 5efbcd8, but it will have similar problems
  • One of the reasons why the amount of lock files increase rapidly on our servers, is because we use a deploy strategy where each deploy ends up in a different directory on the server, fe, one deploy in /var/www/html/release123/, the next one in /var/www/html/release124/, and it turns out that one of the parameters to generate a lock name contains the absolute path to template files, so for each deploy that path changes and the lock name changes as well, so we get an ever growing, never stopping, number of lock files after each deploy

Possible solutions:

  • For the last observeration, instead of using absolute paths, we could choose to use relative paths, which should result in more stable lock names, I already came up with this solution, but I have no idea if there will be regressions caused by this, because this data is not used solely for generating lock names:
diff --git a/app/code/Magento/Theme/Block/Html/Footer.php b/app/code/Magento/Theme/Block/Html/Footer.php
index 672e176b5da..5e8eafb9617 100644
--- a/app/code/Magento/Theme/Block/Html/Footer.php
+++ b/app/code/Magento/Theme/Block/Html/Footer.php
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class Footer extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template implements \Magent
-            $this->getTemplateFile(),
+            $this->getRelativeTemplateFile(),
             'template' => $this->getTemplate()
diff --git a/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Element/Template.php b/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Element/Template.php
index e68d059c079..116452b4d8c 100644
--- a/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Element/Template.php
+++ b/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/View/Element/Template.php
@@ -328,12 +328,17 @@ class Template extends AbstractBlock
         return [
-            $this->getTemplateFile(),
+            $this->getRelativeTemplateFile(),
             'base_url' => $this->getBaseUrl(),
             'template' => $this->getTemplate()

+    protected function getRelativeTemplateFile(): string
+    {
+        return $this->getRootDirectory()->getRelativePath($this->getTemplateFile());
+    }
      * Instantiates filesystem directory
  • Maybe for the block generating locks through LockGuardedCacheLoader, we can mark those as temporary (if file storage is used) and to be removed immediately after they have been unlocked. No idea if this is a good idea and won't lead to race conditions or other problems
  • Maybe a new configuration setting in env.php should be added to determine what lock storage we should use for the LockGuardedCacheLoader, Adobe specifially disabled the database one in 2.4.7, for Galera clusters as they have issues with this for some reason, but if this would be configurable and we could choose ourselves what locking mechanism should be used for the LockGuardedCacheLoader, then we can already prevent a big deal of lock files being written to the filesystem
  • And then the obvious one: write a cronjob that runs every hour or so that looks at the lock files (if file storage is used) and finds the ones that are not locked and haven't been touched in 24 hours or so and remove those

These are just some random ideas, in case other people have other suggestions, feel free to let me know in the comments below.

Temporary solution:
Setup something like this in the crontab on your server:

# removes lock files that haven't been touched in 10 days
15 0 * * * find /path/to/your/lock/file/storage -type f -mtime +10 -delete


Release note

No response

Triage and priority

  • Severity: S0 - Affects critical data or functionality and leaves users without workaround.
  • Severity: S1 - Affects critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S2 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S3 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and does not force users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S4 - Affects aesthetics, professional look and feel, “quality” or “usability”.





Area: FrameworkComponent: BackendIssue: ConfirmedGate 3 Passed. Manual verification of the issue completed. Issue is confirmedPriority: P2A defect with this priority could have functionality issues which are not to expectations.Progress: PR in progressReported on 2.4.xIndicates original Magento version for the Issue report.Reproduced on 2.4.xThe issue has been reproduced on latest 2.4-develop branchTriage: Dev.ExperienceIssue related to Developer Experience and needs help with Triage to Confirm or Reject it


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