This issue is automatically created based on existing pull request: #36511: Improve user experience with roles tree
When working with the roles tree, it's easy to get lost with the long list of possible options. This pull request adds buttons to collapse all, expand all, and expand branches with selected items. This functionality is similar to that provided in the category tree (Catalog -> Inventory -> Categories).
Manual testing scenarios
- Navigate to a list of roles in the admin
- System -> Extensions -> Integrations -> [Edit, or Add New Integration] -> Basic Settings -> API -> Available APIs -> Resources
- System -> Permissions -> User Roles -> [Edit, or Add New Role] -> Role Information -> Role Resources -> Roles Resources -> Resources
- Select a few items from the list. For best effect, choose one or two deeply nested items from different branches.
- Take a concise screen-shot showing which top-level areas the role / integration will have access to. (Note the 'collapse all' button.)
- Select a new item from a previously unused branch. (Note the 'expand all' button.)
- Take a concise screen-shot showing which exact permissions the role / integration will have access to. (Note the 'collapse all' and 'expand selected' buttons.)
Contribution checklist
- Pull request has a meaningful description of its purpose
- All commits are accompanied by meaningful commit messages
- All new or changed code is covered with unit/integration tests (if applicable)
- files for modified modules are updated and included in the pull request if any predefined sections require an update
- All automated tests passed successfully (all builds are green)