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Compling code of disabled module. #38241




Preconditions and environment

  • Magento 2.4.*
  • Disable extension doesn't exclude extension code from compiling.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Disable modules that have error or incompatible with system.
  2. Run setup:di:compile command gives error if modules have some issue.

Expected result

Disable module doesn't compile code of disabled extension/module. if there's issue on code it shouldn't give compile error.

Actual result

console compile command throwing errors of disable modules.

Additional information

No response

Release note

No response

Triage and priority

  • Severity: S0 - Affects critical data or functionality and leaves users without workaround.
  • Severity: S1 - Affects critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S2 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and forces users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S3 - Affects non-critical data or functionality and does not force users to employ a workaround.
  • Severity: S4 - Affects aesthetics, professional look and feel, “quality” or “usability”.





Area: FrameworkComponent: ModuleIssue: ConfirmedGate 3 Passed. Manual verification of the issue completed. Issue is confirmedPriority: P2A defect with this priority could have functionality issues which are not to expectations.Progress: ready for devReported on 2.4.xIndicates original Magento version for the Issue report.Reproduced on 2.4.xThe issue has been reproduced on latest 2.4-develop branchTriage: Dev.ExperienceIssue related to Developer Experience and needs help with Triage to Confirm or Reject it


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Issue actions