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File metadata and controls

94 lines (75 loc) · 5.32 KB


Simple pure javascritp mouse gestures controller. I took some ideas from and levenshtein algorithm. I also took some small pieces of code from the internet to be able to draw the mouse trail.

How it works?

The system works in a fairly simple way. Each gesture made is checked against a series of patterns; when there is a match (which does not have to be exact) the action associated with that pattern will be executed. To perform a gesture one of the mouse buttons should be held down for the duration of the gesture; the default button is the right, but you can change this setting "mouseButton" option (0: left, 1: middle, 2: right).

A mouse gesture has 3 essential properties: shape, size and duration. The shape is the basic gesture. A downward line or a circle are examples of shapes. At the same time each of these shapes can have a size (i.e. a downward line can be short or long) as well as be drawn in a certain period of time.

The pattern detector, by default, will ignore the size and the time of the shape, i.e. a downward line will be considered a match whether it is short or long and whether it is done in 300ms or 1000ms. To make the pattern detector sensitive to size, the "normalizeSize" option must be set to false. Similarly, to make the pattern detector speed sensitive you should set "normalizeTime" to false. By default these two options are set to true (recommended).


A pattern is defined as a sequence of numbers from 0 to 8 (0 and 8 are equivalent). For example "5555" or "66660000" would be valid patterns, the first one a diagonal line SW and the second one an "L", that is a line to the south and then to the east.

This is the guide that defines the number corresponding to each address:

  0: 'E',                               NW       2       NE                   
  1: 'NE',                                 3     |     1                       
  2: 'N',                                        |                         
  3: 'NW',                            W  4 ------+------ 0  E                    
  4: 'W',                                        |                         
  5: 'SW',                                 5     |     7                    
  6: 'S',                               SW       6       SE                  
  7: 'SE',                                       S                           
  8: 'E'    // 8 is equal to 0                                                              

Each number in a pattern is equivalent to an address maintained for 50ms (this value emerged after hundreds of tests and can be modified with the "msByChar" option). For example "6666" will be a line drawn south for 200ms. So to match an "L" drawn in 0.5s (0.25s each line) the pattern should be "6666600000".

In cases of circular gestures like circles or squares, you have another option that allow you match a circle that begin on North and other that begin on South with the same pattern. This options is "detectCircular". If you set it true, then any circle will be the same pattern, if it is false, then the circle will must match form and initial point. "detecCircular" default settings is false.


var ___gestures = new Gestures({ ... })
___gestures.install();  // enable gestures
___gestures.uninstall(); // disable gestures


  normalizeSize: true,     // if false, disable normalization of size (default true)
  normalizeTime: true,     // if false, disable normalization of time (default true)
  detectCircular: false,   // if true detect circular shapes no matter where the gesture begins  (default false)
                           //    Be carefull, if true, slow down the matching process
  msByChar: 50,            // Change el time in ms associated to a character in pattern string (default 50) 
  debug: 0,                // 0-4, 0 log just HITs, 4 just for advanced developers and masochists (default 0)
  mouseButton: 2,          // Change the mouse button to held down during the gesture (0: left, 1: middle, 2: right)
  trailStyle: 'line',      // Trail style can be 'line' or 'points' (default 'line')
  patterns: [ 
      // Example:
      name: "Line down (S) or line up (N)", 
      patterns: [ "6666", "2222" ],   // can be more than one
      normalizeSize: true,            // if false disable normalization of size just for this pattern 
      normalizeTime: true,            // if false disable normalization of time just for this pattern
      detectCircular: true,           // if false disable detectCircular just for this pattern
      action: function(ev) {
        // ev: "mouseup" event        
        // local vars inside 
        //    ix, iy: coordinates where the gesture begin
        //    mx, my: coordinates where the gesture end

        var diff = my - iy;
        console.log('You moved ', diff, 'px');      
        var els = document.elementsFromPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY);
        console.log('You made a gesture over these objects: ', els);
    { ... },
    { ... }

Playing with the demo

Just do this:

# git clone
# cd js-mgestures/demo
# <your_favorite_browser> index.html


More debbuging and a lot of optimizations...