The process of clustering is unable to give a specific label to a configuration, requiring manual labelling by a researcher, a tedious and time consuming task. This is the domain of Supervised Learning. Supervised Learning is the task of taking features which have been manually labelled and developing an algorithm which can assign that same label to sets of previously unlabelled features. The creation of the manually labelled dataset is a crucial part of the process, and @sec:clustering_performance presents a method for constructing this dataset for some unstructured crystal growth data. Because this method has been primarily developed for the classification of configurations in @sec:Crystal_Melting, the constructed crystals are used directly to train the model. The creation of the crystal structures and the labelling of each configuration is described in @sec:methods_ml_dataset. In this section we develop a method for taking a small manually labelled dataset and training an algorithm to apply those labels to new data.
The algorithm used for the supervised learning is the K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN), which uses labels of the configurations closest in feature space to label an unknown configuration. Similar problems for the identification of crystal structures,[@Fulford2019;@Boattini2018;@Geiger2013] use Neural-Network based algorithms, matching the approach used for complex problems like image [@Krizhevsky2017] and speech recognition. [@Hinton2012] For the well defined problem posed here a more complex neural network approach may not be better. In a study of neural network algorithms, @Dacrema2019 find that six of the seven neural-network models they could reproduce were outperformed by a simpler nearest-neighbour or graph-based algorithm. Here the KNN algorithm was chosen for the significant performance improvements over a neural network approach in both the training of the algorithm and the subsequent classification.
The configurations used within the training dataset contain the same number of liquid and crystal configurations, however there are three different crystals and only a single liquid. This means that there are three times as many liquid configurations as any crystal and guessing every configuration is liquid would have an accuracy of 50% rather than 25% for a balanced dataset. Handling imbalanced data is a large problem within the field of machine learning [@He2009] with a range of tools for removing the effect of the imbalance. The medical field is notably sensitive to data imbalance, where datasets contain hundreds or thousands more healthy samples than diseased. Incorrectly handling this data imbalance can make a machine learning algorithm appear far better than it performs in practice. [@Brabec2020;@Vandewiele2020] For the problem of classification within this thesis, the data imbalance is small, and so the balanced accuracy (@sec:measuring_success) is an appropriate tool to mitigate the imbalance. The KNN algorithm gives a balanced accuracy of 97.0%, scored based on a holdout dataset, [@Kohavi1995] which is data not seen during the training and optimisation of the model. The use of a holdout dataset is the standard method of publishing results from machine learning algorithms. Scoring an algorithm using previously unseen data is important since algorithms can memorise data given to them resulting in unbelievable performance on the presented dataset and much poorer performance on unseen data.
With an accuracy of 97% for the KNN algorithm, there is potentially room for improvement. However, before looking at ways of getting closer to 100%, does that make sense as a target? In the visualisation of the dataset in @fig:dim_reduction_sorted_UMAP, there are some points labelled as crystalline which are located with those of the liquid, and conversely some labelled as liquid and located near the crystal. It is possible for local configurations to be incorrectly labelled within the training dataset, meaning increasing the accuracy for this dataset is a result of overfitting. Another complication has to do with the properties of an equilibrium liquid, which will explore all the feature space, some of which represent crystalline configurations. With these locally crystalline configurations being responsible for many of the classification errors, it is hypothesised that extending the feature space to include features of the second neighbour shell would reduce the rate of errors. While the accuracy of the classification algorithm could be improved, for this thesis we consider the 97% accuracy to be suitable, with further improvements likely resulting in overfitting to the training dataset.
Developing a machine learning model which performs well on a labelled dataset is only part of the challenge in machine learning. The algorithm has to also be useful in the real world, applying the learned labels to new data. In the presentation of the results in @sec:supervised_learning a holdout dataset was used, [@Kohavi1995] however @Vandewiele2020 found that many studies presenting near perfect results were inadvertently leaking samples from the holdout dataset through techniques for overcoming issues of data imbalance. [@He2009] While @sec:supervised_learning demonstrates the effectiveness of a KNN algorithm for the labelling of local structures in one dataset, it doesn't show whether the algorithm is suitable for a generalised case using completely different data.
The KNN algorithm will be used in @sec:Crystal_Melting for monitoring the melting of each crystal structure. The dataset used in @sec:Crystal_Melting, is completely different to that used in this chapter, in particular containing the melting over a long timescale. @Fig:melting shows the application of the KNN algorithm developed in @sec:supervised_learning applied to the melting of each of the crystal structures. The colouring of the orientation of each molecule is intended as a guide for the identification of regions of orientational ordering, a way of visually confirming the KNN algorithm adequately classifies the structures. In this example there is no label indicating what the local structures should be, using a visual indicator of performance rather than a numerical one. The KNN algorithm is able to follow the melting of all three crystals, showing a clear delineation between the liquid and crystal phases with few visible errors. There is some inconsistency at the single interface layer of each crystal, although this single layer of boundary region is not well defined. The identification of a defect within the p2 crystal (@fig:melting_p2_middle) demonstrates the utility of a measure of local structure. Along with the presence of presence of defects in the crystal structure, there are also many local structures in the liquid phase which are classified as crystalline. From a visual survey of these misclassified configurations, the majority form local structures close to those present in the crystals, having at most a single misaligned neighbour. Most notable is handling the solid state phase transition within the p2gg crystal, from @fig:melting_p2gg_start to @fig:melting_p2gg_middle. This phase transition is discussed in more detail in @sec:polymorphic_stability. The KNN algorithm developed in @sec:supervised_learning not only performs well on the dataset used for the development of the model, it can be applied to studying a range of problems in understanding these crystal structures.
:::{class=subfigures id=fig:melting}
{width=33% #fig:melting_p2gg_start}
{width=33% #fig:melting_p2_middle}
{width=33% #fig:melting_p2gg_middle}
Figures showing the progression of melting of each crystal. The colour of the molecules describes their orientation. The lighter molecules are classified as liquid while the darker molecules are classified as crystalline. The matching of the Machine Learning generated classification to a visual one as the crystal melts demonstrates the utility of this method for crystal detection. A single algorithm performed the assignment for each crystal structure.