Thank you for your interest in contributing to the development of the oneAPI Construction Kit! The following is a set of guidelines on how to contribute to the project, whether you are opening a bug report, suggesting an enhancement, or submitting your own code contribution to the project.
These are intended to be guidelines rather than rules, so please use your best judgement when contributing, and feel free to propose changes to this document where appropriate.
This project and everyone participating in it are governed by the oneAPI Construction Kit Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code and use your best judgement where it's unclear if your behaviour would violate the code. Please report unacceptable behaviour to [email protected].
Before asking a question, it is best to search through the available resources in case your question has already been answered.
- We assume that you have read through the relevant Documentation.
- There may be existing issues that might help you.
- An answer may have been provided elsewhere on the internet.
In case you have found a suitable issue and still need clarification, you can feel free to write your question in the existing issue.
If your question has not been answered or you still feel that you need clarification, we ask that you follow these steps.
- Open an issue.
- Select the Question issue template and fill in the requested details.
- Provide as much context as you can about the problem or question you have.
- Provide project version and any relevant system details (e.g. operating system).
Once your issue has been opened, we will take a look and try to help you as soon as possible.
When contributing to this project, you acknowledge that you have the necessary rights to the content you contribute, and that the content may be provided under the project license.
This section guides you through submitting a bug report. Following these guidelines will help maintainers and the community in reproducing and fixing reported bugs.
A good bug report shouldn't leave others needing to chase you up for more information. Therefore, when reporting a bug, we ask that you investigate carefully, collect information, and describe the issue in detail in your report. Please complete the following steps in advance in order to help us deal with potential bugs as quickly and as smoothly as possible.
- Make sure that you are using the latest release of the software, available here.
- If possible, check to see if the bug is still present on the main branch.
- Attempt to determine if your bug is really a bug and not an error on your end (e.g. incompatible environment, unsupported operating system, etc).
- Check to see if a bug report has already been opened in Issues. It may be the case that a temporary fix has been posted in a similar report.
- Search the internet (e.g. Stack Overflow, etc) to see if users outside of the GitHub community have discussed the issue and discovered a workaround or fix.
- Collect relevant information about the bug, i.e. error log, stack trace, etc.
- Provide your operating system version, compiler version, runtime environment, etc, depending on what seems relevant to the issue.
- Where relevant, provide your hardware information, e.g. CPU, GPU, driver versions, etc.
- If the bug is triggered by certain inputs or if your expected output is incorrect, provide this information so that we can reproduce it.
- If the bug is present on the current stable release branch, please provide this info. If the bug is severe enough then it may warrant making a patch release.
If you have discovered a security vulnerability, sensitive information leak, or
a similar security-related issue, please do not report this directly to the
issue tracker. Instead, please send your report by email to
[email protected],
making sure to write DISCLOSURE:
at the beginning of the subject line so that
we can prioritize accordingly.
Once you have prepared to submit your report, we ask that you follow these steps.
- Open an issue.
- Select the Bug issue template and fill in the requested details.
- Describe the expected behaviour and the actual behaviour you are seeing.
- Provide as much context as you can about the bug and describe the steps required to reproduce the bug, so that we can recreate the issue on our end.
- Where possible, provide a minimal test case demonstrating the bug. This should be a self-contained submission of code that will reproduce the bug without any extraneous effects, making it easier for us to isolate where the problem is.
- Provide the information collected in the previous section during preparation.
This section guides you through submitting an enhancement suggestion for the oneAPI Construction Kit, whether it's a quality of life improvement or a completely new feature. Following these guidelines will help maintainers and the community in fully understanding your suggestion and determining how best to incorporate it in the project.
Before submitting an enhancement suggestion, we ask that you follow these steps in preparation for your suggestion.
- Make sure that you are using the latest version of the software, available on the main branch.
- Read the Documentation carefully and make sure your suggested functionality is not already covered by the project or by an individual configuration of the project.
- Check to see if the enhancement has already been suggested in Issues. Make sure to search for closed tickets in case the enhancement has been previously rejected.
Once you have prepared to submit your enhancement suggestion, we ask that you follow these steps.
- Open an issue.
- Select the Enhancement issue template and fill in the requested details.
- Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue to identify the suggestion.
- Describe the current behaviour and explain what expected behaviour you are proposing and why. You may also describe alternative approaches and explain why those do not work for your use case.
- If you have any resources that demonstrate why the suggestion should be accepted, feel free to reference these. You may include graphics, screenshots, code snippets, etc.
- Explain why the enhancement will be useful to most oneAPI Construction Kit users. Where relevant, you may want to reference other projects that serve as evidence of why the enhancement is a good idea.
This section guides you through submitting a pull request with your own code contribution to the oneAPI Construction Kit project. Following these guidelines will help maintainers and the community in understanding your submission and will help minimize code formatting issues, etc.
Before submitting a pull request, we ask that you follow these steps to ensure that the review process goes smoothly.
- Make sure the project builds successfully. If your change produces errors in the build process, we cannot fix your code for you, so please resolve these before submitting your pull request.
- Run tests locally. Pull requests will automatically run across our testing infrastructure, but running your own preliminary testing beforehand is a good way of avoiding undue headaches and hassle.
- If your change is substantial, a changelog entry may be needed in order to capture the details of what has changed in the changelog for the next upcoming release. The format of changelog entries must match the template in changelog/ Note: If a changelog entry is required, a project maintainer will inform you on your pull request.
- Run clang-format-16 on any new or modified code. Our testing infrastructure requires code to be formatted correctly, so doing this beforehand avoids potential delays.
- Feel free to add your name to the list of contributors. Contributor names must be sorted alphabetically.
When writing commit messages, please include a clear and descriptive short message on the subject line, providing a brief overview of what the patch does for anyone reading through the one-line commit messages.
Please also include a detailed description in the commit body, explaining what the patch does and how it accomplishes it, as well as including any other relevant details.
The following is a good example of a clear and descriptive commit message:
Write contributing guide
This patch adds a contributing guide under, detailing
how contributions to the project should be made. The guide touches on
the code of conduct and covers how to ask questions, as well as
detailing the processes that should be followed when reporting bugs,
responsibly disclosing security-related issues, suggesting project
enhancements, and contributing patches to the repository.
Once you have prepared your code contribution, we ask that you follow these steps.
- Open a pull request.
- Add the
bug or
enhancement labels as appropriate.
- Use a clear and descriptive title to identify the pull request.
- Describe the current behaviour and explain what expected behaviour you are proposing and why.
- Provide a general overview of how the code contribution works, detailing the effects and consequences of the change.
- Address feedback from participants and resolve any test failures.
- Wait for a project maintainer to make an approving review.
- Wait for your pull request to be merged.
As a final note, try to keep your pull request branch in good condition. If you think it makes sense to split your changes across multiple commits, or later squash multiple commits into one larger commit, please do so. In all likelihood, keeping your branch tidy will make it easier for project maintainers to review your changes.
Once again, thank you for expressing interest in contributing to the project. If you'd like to contribute in any way but are unclear on the guidelines listed above, please don't hesitate to get in touch by asking a question.
Finally, if you would like to get in touch with us directly to discuss the oneAPI Construction Kit, please contact [email protected] and include all relevant details.