Please add functionality to use a due date in conjunction with the after tags. This may take the form of adding a flag to set a date as "hard", meaning it will not move when it is set. The functionality to create dependencies is extremely useful but seems to be limited by the inability to create a hard deadline by which all dependent work must be completed.
In my reading of the documentation, I don't believe this is currently possible, and I was unable to find a similar feature request, so I am posting here.
2024-09-03: Term 1 Start !Term1Start
group Determine the job I want
before !Term1Start 1 week - 1 week: Research jobs. Dream big. !Research
before !Term1Start after !Research: Choose desired job title. !Choose
Essentially the issue here is that there is no way to create a "sandwiched" dependency based on a hard due date.
I cannot move the date of !Term1Start, but I would like to see !Choose be compressed if I am behind on !Research. Currently, if I modify the date of !Research to start late, I must manually adjust the date of !Choose, or have an overlap:
2024-09-03: Term 1 Start !Term1Start
group Determine the job I want
before !Term1Start 5 days - 1 week: Research jobs. Dream big. !Research
before !Term1Start 1 week: Choose desired job title. !Choose