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Glitch Project Sync

Sync the contents of your GitHub repository with your project on Glitch
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Glitch Sync From GitHub

Remix on Glitch

This action uses the Glitch API to export your GitHub repository to your Glitch project.


  • A GitHub repository
  • An existing Glitch project



Required The Authorization request header used when clicking the Import from GitHub button (Tools > Import and Export > Import from GitHub) from within your Glitch project (see screenshot to the right). The only way that I know to obtain this is to look at your Network tab in your browser and capture the contents of the Authorization request header when the POST request to is made.


Glitch rotates this token regularly so you'll need to ensure it stays updated in order for this tool to work properly. In my testing, the token rotates roughly once a month.


Required The ID of your Glitch Project. You can obtain this via one of two ways:


Optional A relative path to a specific folder to import. If not passed, it will import the entirety of the GitHub repository.


Optional The GitHub repository to sync, using the format owner/repo (e.g., octocat/Hello-World). If not passed, the current GitHub repository will be synced.

Example usage

See .github/workflows/ci.yml for several full examples.

I strongly recommend adding the inputs as encrypted secrets instead of passing them directly into your action file! Here are the GitHub docs on how to do this.

uses: kanadgupta/glitch-sync@main
  auth-token: '${{ secrets.authToken }}'
  project-id: '${{ secrets.projectId }}'
  path: 'dist' # optional


I am not an employee of Glitch (merely a user)! This repository is not endorsed by Glitch and does not use a documented public API endpoint (and the endpoint can be kind of flaky to be honest). The endpoint may change at anytime and break this workflow.

Glitch Project Sync is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Sync the contents of your GitHub repository with your project on Glitch

Glitch Project Sync is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.