Mirror docker tags
ActionsThis action insert a matrix variable that contains all the tags that needs to be updated.
Required The repository and tags to mirror, example "ubuntu[20.10,latest],alpine[latest]"
Required The repository owner to create the new tags (GITHUB_REPOSITORY_OWNER by default).
Optional By default only created tags to docker hub, you can add an extra registry, example "ghcr.io"
Optional Comma separate list for platforms to return.
Optional Boolean that indicates if all the tags needs to be updated, if false only updates tags that are new or has recently being updated.
A matrix that can be used for other jobs
{ include: [
base_img : ubuntu,
tags: repo/ubuntu:latest,repo/ubuntu:20.10
platforms: Linux/amd64,Linux/arm/v7
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Get missing tags
id: tags
uses: s6on/[email protected]
from: alpine[latest,3],debian[latest,11,11-slim],ubuntu[latest,20.04,18.04]
to: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
extra-registry: ghcr.io
updateAll: ${{ github.event_name != 'schedule' }}
matrix: ${{ steps.tags.outputs.matrix }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: setup-matrix
if: ${{ needs.setup-matrix.outputs.matrix }}
fail-fast: false
matrix: ${{ fromJson(needs.setup-matrix.outputs.matrix) }}
name: ${{ matrix.base_img }}
Mirror docker tags is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.