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Generate Formatting and Types .ps1xml for PowerShell Modules, using EZOut
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Installing EZOut

You can install EZOut from the PowerShell Gallery. Simply:

Install-Module EZOut -Scope CurrentUser

Using EZOut as a GitHub Action:

You can use EZOut as a GitHub Action to automatically build your formatting and types files on every checkin.

 - name: Build Formatting and Types   
   uses: StartAutomating/EZOut@master
   id: BuildEZOut

Understanding PowerShell Formatting

Unlike many languages, PowerShell has a formatting engine built into the box.
You can define one or more "Views" that will change how PowerShell will display an object. These views are stored in a .format.ps1xml file, and loaded in a module manifest with the setting 'FormatsToProcess:' This is an example of a minimal module with just a format file:

    ModuleVersion = 0.1
    FormatsToProcess = 'My.Format.ps1xml'

PowerShell formatting primarily supports three different types of views for any typename:

  • A Table View
  • A List View
  • A Custom View

Table and List Views are fairly straightforward: You select some properties to display, and you get a table.

Custom Views, as the name implies, are anything you'd like them to be. Custom views can also be defined as a control, which can be referenced in other custom views.

You most likely see complex custom controls everyday: The most complex formatter built into PowerShell is the formatter for Help.

Objects in PowerShell are formatted according to their .pstypenames property. If you're creating a normal .NET object, this property will be the inheritance hierarchy of the class. For instance:

# This will have three typenames:
# System.Management.Automation.CmdletInfo, System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo, and System.Object
# When you see the output of Get-Command, you're seeing the formatter for System.Management.CommandInfo
Get-Command Get-Command | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSTypenames

You can switch out the typenames of any given object by manipulating the typenames property

$helpCommand = Get-Command Get-Help  # Get the command Get-Help
$helpCommand.pstypenames.clear()     # Clear it's typenames
$helpCommand                         # When we echo it now, it will be unformatted.

$helpCommand.pstypenames.add('System.Management.Automation.CommandInfo') # This adds the formatting back

You can also define a single typename when creating an object from a hashtable. As the typename in this example implies, you can have a valid typename in PowerShell that could never exist as a real type in .NET.


Using EZOut

Using EZOut to build your formatting:

Switch to your module directory, then run:

Write-EZFormatFile | Set-Content .\MyModule.EzFormat.ps1 -Encoding UTF8 # Replace MyModule with the name of your module

This file will contain the scaffolding to write your formatters. Whenever you run this file, MyModule.format.ps1xml and MyModule.types.ps1xml will be regenerated.

For a working example of this, check out EZOut's own .ezformat.ps1 file.

We can declare formatters directly in the .ezformat.ps1 file, or within a /Formatting or /Views directory, in a file named .(format|view).(ps1|xml)

In the examples below, we will be piping to Out-FormatData (to combine all of the formatting) and Add-FormatData (to register it in a temporary module).

Writing Table Views

Table views are the most commonly used view in PowerShell, and the default of Write-FormatView

Write-FormatView -TypeName APerson -Property FirstName, LastName, Age |
    Out-FormatData |

We can specify a -Width for each column. Using a negative number will make the column right-aligned:

Write-FormatView -TypeName APerson -Property FirstName, LastName, Age -Width -20, 30, 5 |
    Out-FormatData |

We can also specify alignment using -AlignProperty, or use -FormatProperty to determine how a property is displayed, and even -HideHeader.

Write-FormatView -TypeName MenuItem -Property Name, Price -AlignProperty @{Name='Center';Price='Center'} -FormatProperty @{
    Price = '{0:c}'
} -Width 40, 40 -HideHeader |
    Out-FormatData |


We can define a -VirtualProperty, which will display as a column but does not really exist. Also, in most hosts, we can conditionally -ColorProperty or -ColorRow:

Write-FormatView -Property Number, IsEven, IsOdd -AutoSize -ColorRow {
    if ($_.N % 2) { "#ff0000"} else {"#0f0"}
} -VirtualProperty @{
    IsEven = { -not ($_.N % 2)}
    IsOdd = { ($_.N % 2) -as [bool] }
} -AliasProperty @{
    Number = 'N'
} -TypeName N |
1..5 | Foreach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{PSTypeName='N';N=$_} }           

Using EZOut Interactively

As shown in the examples above, we can use EZOut to add formatting interactively, by piping to Add-FormatData.

Import-Module EZOut

Write-FormatView -TypeName 'System.TimeZoneInfo' -Property Id, DisplayName -AlignProperty @{
    ID = 'Right'
    DisplayName = 'Left'
} -AutoSize |  
        Out-FormatData |

Creating Types with EZOut

EZOut can also create types files.

You can use Write-TypeView to write a segment of a types.ps1xml directly.

You can also use Import-TypeView to import an entire directory tree into a types.ps1xml file.

Advanced EZOut examples

Due to EZOut being a build tool, we want to impact your runspace as little as possible.

Therefore, advanced EZOut formatting examples have been moved into a new module: Posh

UseEZOut is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Generate Formatting and Types .ps1xml for PowerShell Modules, using EZOut

UseEZOut is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.