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Product Science

Product Science


Get help with performance optimization techniques to make your code faster

by product-science1,991 installs


Using Copilot Extensions requires a GitHub Copilot license.
An Admin must enable access for organization or enterprise use.

Product Science created a GitHub Copilot extension that is focused on performance optimization strategies and techniques.

Unlock the potential of the app performance optimization with the Product Science Performance Agent. This intelligent assistant is designed to guide you with enhancing your applications, websites, and software projects, ensuring they are not only efficient but also deliver an exceptional user experience.


Install the extension from GitHub Marketplace and simply tag @product-science in GitHub Copilot Chat to start asking your questions.

Use cases:

Get help with making your algorithms more performant, get advice on how to set organization-wide performance scores to sync engineering, design, and product teams under a common goal. Boost user experience by optimizing load times, responsiveness, and visual stability.

Example prompts:

  • How can I make my mobile app faster?
  • How can I cut costs on my cloud spendings?
  • How do I make this code faster? enter code snippet example
  • Which libraries should I use for the most efficient image loading on Android?
Product Science screenshot

Pricing and setup

Free plan for Product Science GitHub Copilot extension


Free plan

Free plan for Product Science GitHub Copilot extension

Copilot extensions are currently in Beta for all Copilot users. Supported organizations are indicated.

Next: Confirm your installation location

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