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Automatically adds labels to Pull Requests based on their status (WIP, Changes Requested, Approved) and who's reviewing them
369 installs


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GitHub App built with Probot that adds appropriate labels depending on the PR's status.

How it works

Trafico automatically labels your open pull requests depending on their status. It will add the following labels automatically:

  • WIP if title starts with WIP, [WIP] or WIP: (can be disabled).
  • Ready for Review when the PR does not have any reviews yet.
  • Changes requested when the PR has been reviewed with requested changes.
  • Needs more Approvals when the PR has been reviewed and approved by some members, but has not reached the required amount of approvals yet.
    -Approved when the PR has been reviewed and got approved (as many times as the branch's protection setting dictates).
  • Merged when the PR has been merged.


Trafico works out of the gate with default settings.

If you want to change colors and/or titles of labels, or if you want to add labels for each team member, you can create a file under .github/ named trafico.yml, a sample file is available here.

Short explanation

Plans and pricing

Completely free

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Trafico is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation


Automatically adds labels to Pull Requests based on their status (WIP, Changes Requested, Approved) and who's reviewing them
369 installs


Free plan available.