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Metrics, goals, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity

by wakatime124,160 installs


GitHub has verified that the publisher controls the domain and meets other requirements.

Productivity metrics, insights, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity.

How it Works

  1. Install the open-source plugin for your editor

  2. Write code like you already do

  3. Get a personal or team dashboard with metrics about your programming


  • Fully-automatic project detection
  • Language usage breakdown
  • Private Leaderboards
  • Commit stats
  • Embeddable SVG charts
Personal Dashboard

Pricing and setup

Free for both open source and private repos


Extra features for individual use

$6/ month

Ideal for individuals and contractors

$12/ month

Perfect for teams and consultants

$18 dev/ month

Best fit for small to medium businesses

$49 seat/ month


Best fit for small to medium businesses

  • unlimited team dashboards with member’s coding activity
  • unlimited dashboard history for all members
  • fine-grained access control permissions
  • support for 1,000 team members
$49/ month
per seat

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information

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