I am currently experiencing an issue with the system tray. If you try to start "nextcloud-client", the according window does not open as a regular application but as some sort of pop-up in the middle of the screen. This causes the window to close automatically when you focus a different window, since it does not belong to a tag.
If you, however, want to sign in with your nextcloud-client, you are forced to do so in you browser. WIth the previous sign in prompt closing automatically when clicking into the browser, it is impossible to sign in.
I tried to start the application from console and noticed that the process nextcloud does not stop, when the window disappears. In order to check whether it is a problem caused by awesome wm in general, I loaded the backup conf, which, however, opened the nextcloud prompt in its own, full window with top bar and minimise, maximise buttons, etc. The singing in task worked out as well.
Therefore, this weird window/prompt treatment must be caused by the material-theme.
Do you have any ideas on how to force the material theme to open prompt in its own window or at least which part of the configuration causes the prompt to open in some sort of magnified, tag-unrelated window?
Edit_1: I have been tinkering around with the loaded modules and noticed that leaving out "module.backdrop" causes the prompt to stay open when switching applications, with the disadvantage of staying in the foreground and centered until you close it. So it still not treated as a "normal" window.