We need to reference Math.NET Numerics and open the statistics namespace:
using MathNet.Numerics.Statistics;
The primary class for statistical analysis is Statistics
, which provides common
descriptive statistic functions as static extension methods to IEnumerable<double>
However, various statistics can be computed much more efficiently if the data source
has known properties or structure, which is why the following classes provide specialized
static implementations:
- ArrayStatistics provides routines optimized for single-dimensional arrays. Some
of these routines end with the
suffix, indicating that they reorder the input array slightly towards being sorted during execution - without fully sorting them, which could be expensive. - SortedArrayStatistics provides routines optimized for an array sorted in ascending order. Order-statistics are especially very efficient this way, some even with constant time complexity.
- StreamingStatistics processes large amounts of data without keeping them in memory. This is useful if data that is larger than local memory is streamed directly from a disk or network.
Another alternative, in case you need to gather a whole set of statistical characteristics
in one pass, is provided by the DescriptiveStatistics
var samples = new ChiSquare(5).Samples().Take(1000);
var statistics = new DescriptiveStatistics(samples);
var largestElement = statistics.Maximum;
var smallestElement = statistics.Minimum;
var median = statistics.Median;
var mean = statistics.Mean;
var variance = statistics.Variance;
var stdDev = statistics.StandardDeviation;
var kurtosis = statistics.Kurtosis;
var skewness = statistics.Skewness;
The minimum and maximum values of a sample set can be evaluated with the Minimum
and Maximum
functions of all four classes: Statistics
, ArrayStatistics
, SortedArrayStatistics
and StreamingStatistics
. The min and max functions found in SortedArrayStatistics
are the fastest, having constant
time complexity, but the array that is passed through SortedArrayStatistics
is expected to be sorted in ascending order.
Both the min and max are directly affected by outliers and are therefore not considered to be robust statistics. For a more robust alternative, consider using Quantiles instead.
var samples = new ChiSquare(5).Samples().Take(1000).ToArray();
var largestElement = samples.Maximum();
var smallestElement = samples.Minimum();
Here, the "mean" refers to the arithmetic mean or average of the provided samples. In statistics, the sample mean is a measure of the central tendency, and estimates the expected value of the distribution. The mean is affected by outliers, so if you need a more robust estimate, consider using the median instead.
let whiteNoise = Generate.Normal(1000, mean=10.0, standardDeviation=2.0)
// [fsi:val samples : float [] = [|12.90021939; 9.631515037; 7.810008046; 14.13301053; ...|] ]
Statistics.Mean whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float = 10.02162347]
let wave = Generate.Sinusoidal(1000, samplingRate=100., frequency=5., amplitude=0.5)
Statistics.Mean wave
// [fsi:val it : float = -4.133520783e-17]
If the whole population is available, the functions with the Population-prefix will evaluate the respective
measures with an
On the other hand, if only a sample of the full population is available, the functions without the Population-prefix
will estimate unbiased population measures by applying Bessel's correction with an
Statistics.Variance whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float = 3.819436094]
Statistics.StandardDeviation whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float = 1.954337764]
Statistics.Variance wave
// [fsi:val it : float = 0.1251251251]
Since mean and variance are often needed together, there are routines that evaluate both functions within a single pass:
Statistics.MeanVariance whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float * float = (10.02162347, 3.819436094)]
The sample covariance is an estimation of the Covariance, a measure of how much two random variables change together. Similar to the variance above, two versions are needed in order to apply Bessel's correction to bias in the case of sample data.
Statistics.Covariance(samples1, samples2)
Statistics.PopulationCovariance(population1, population2)
Statistics.Covariance(whiteNoise, whiteNoise)
// [fsi:val it : float = 3.819436094]
Statistics.Covariance(whiteNoise, wave)
// [fsi:val it : float = 0.04397985084]
The k-th order statistic of a sample set is the k-th smallest value. Note that, as an exception to most of the Math.NET Numerics, the order k is one-based, meaning the smallest value is the order statistic of order 1 (there is no order 0).
Statistics.OrderStatistic(data, order)
SortedArrayStatistics.OrderStatistic(data, order)
If the samples are sorted in ascending order, this is trivial and can be evaluated in
constant time, which is what the SortedArrayStatistics
implementation does.
If you have samples in an array that are not (guaranteed to be) sorted, but are okay if the array does get sorted incrementally over multiple calls, then you can also use the following in-place implementation. Unless you need to compute it for more than a handful of orders, it is usually faster than fully sorting the array.
ArrayStatistics.OrderStatisticInplace(data, order)
For convenience there is also an option that returns a function, Func<int, double>
mapping from order to the resulting order statistic. Internally it sorts a copy of the
provided data, and then on each invocation, uses efficient sorted algorithms:
Such Inplace and Func variants are a common pattern throughout the Statistics class as well as the rest of the library.
Statistics.OrderStatistic(whiteNoise, 1)
// [fsi:val it : float = 3.633070184]
Statistics.OrderStatistic(whiteNoise, 1000)
// [fsi:val it : float = 16.65183566]
let os = Statistics.orderStatisticFunc whiteNoise
os 250
// [fsi:val it : float = 8.645491746]
os 500
// [fsi:val it : float = 10.11872428]
os 750
// [fsi:val it : float = 11.33170746]
Median is a robust indicator of central tendency and much less affected by outliers than the sample mean. The median is estimated by the value exactly in the middle of the sorted set of samples and thus separating the higher half of the data from the lower half.
The median is only unique if the sample size is odd. This implementation internally
uses the default quantile definition, which is equivalent to mode 8 in R and is approximately
median-unbiased regardless of the sample distribution. If you need another convention, use
instead, please see below for details.
Statistics.Median whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float = 10.11872428]
Statistics.Median wave
// [fsi:val it : float = -2.452600839e-16]
Quartiles group the ascendingly sorted data into four equal groups, where each group represents a quarter of the data. The lower quartile is estimated by the middle number between the first two groups and the upper quartile by the middle number between the remaining two groups. The middle number between the two middle groups estimates the median as discussed above.
Statistics.LowerQuartile whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float = 8.645491746]
Statistics.UpperQuartile whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float = 11.33213732]
By using that data, we can provide a useful set of indicators usually named 5-number summary, which consists of the minimum value, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile, and the maximum value. All these values can be visualized in the popular box plot diagrams.
Statistics.FiveNumberSummary whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float [] = [|3.633070184; 8.645937823; 10.12165054; 11.33213732; 16.65183566|] ]
Statistics.FiveNumberSummary wave
// [fsi:val it : float [] = [|-0.5; -0.3584185509; -2.452600839e-16; 0.3584185509; 0.5|] ]
The difference between the upper and the lower quartile is called inter-quartile range (IQR), and is a robust indicator of spread. In box plots, the IQR is the total height of the box.
Just like the median, quartiles use the default R8 quantile definition internally.
Statistics.InterquartileRange whiteNoise
// [fsi:val it : float = 2.686199498]
Percentiles further extend the concept by grouping the sorted values into 100 equal groups and then looking at the 101 places (0,1,..,100) between and around them.
Below are the percentile representations:
- 0: minimum value
- 25: first quartile
- 50: median
- 75: upper quartile
- 100: maximum value
Statistics.Percentile(data, p)
SortedArrayStatistics.Percentile(data, p)
ArrayStatistics.PercentileInplace(data, p)
Just like the median, percentiles use the default R8 quantile definition internally.
Statistics.Percentile(whiteNoise, 5)
// [fsi:val it : float = 6.693373507]
Statistics.Percentile(whiteNoise, 98)
// [fsi:val it : float = 13.97580653]
Instead of grouping into 4 or 100 boxes, quantiles generalize the concept to an infinite number
of boxes. These infinite number of boxes are then mapped to arbitrary real numbers,
Statistics.Quantile(data, tau)
SortedArrayStatistics.Quantile(data, tau)
ArrayStatistics.QuantileInplace(data, tau)
Statistics.Quantile(whiteNoise, 0.98)
// [fsi:val it : float = 13.97580653]
Remember that all these descriptive statistics estimate rather than compute
statistical indicators of the value distribution. In the case of quantiles,
there usually is not a single number between the two groups specified by
The QuantileCustom
functions support all 9 modes from the R-project, including the one
used by Microsoft Excel as well as the 4-parameter variant of Mathematica:
Statistics.QuantileCustom(data, tau, definition)
Statistics.QuantileCustomFunc(data, definition)
SortedArrayStatistics.QuantileCustom(data, tau, a, b, c, d)
SortedArrayStatistics.QuantileCustom(data, tau, definition)
ArrayStatistics.QuantileCustomInplace(data, tau, a, b, c, d)
ArrayStatistics.QuantileCustomInplace(data, tau, definition)
The QuantileDefinition
enumeration has the following options:
R1, SAS3, EmpiricalInvCDF
R2, SAS5, EmpiricalInvCDFAverage
R3, SAS2, Nearest
R4, SAS1, California
R5, Hydrology, Hazen
R6, SAS4, Nist, Weibull, SPSS
R7, Excel, Mode, S
R8, Median, Default
R9, Normal
[lang=fsharp] Statistics.QuantileCustom(whiteNoise, 0.98, QuantileDefinition.R3) // [fsi:val it : float = 13.97113209] Statistics.QuantileCustom(whiteNoise, 0.98, QuantileDefinition.Excel) // [fsi:val it : float = 13.97127374]
Rank statistics are the counterpart to order statistics. The Ranks
function evaluates the rank
of each sample and returns them as an array of doubles. In case one of the values appears multiple
times, the return type is double instead of int in order to deal with ties. Similar to
, the RankDefinition
enumeration controls how ties should be handled:
- Average, Default: Replace ties with their mean (causing non-integer ranks).
- Min, Sports: Replace ties with their minimum, as typical in sports ranking.
- Max: Replace ties with their maximum.
- First: Permutation containing increasing values at each index of ties.
- EmpiricalCDF
Statistics.Ranks(data, definition)
SortedArrayStatistics.Ranks(data, definition)
ArrayStatistics.RanksInplace(data, definition)
// [fsi:val it : float [] = [|634.0; 736.0; 405.0; 395.0; 197.0; 167.0; 722.0; 44.0; ...|] ]
Statistics.Ranks([| 13.0; 14.0; 11.0; 12.0; 13.0 |], RankDefinition.Average)
// [fsi:val it : float [] = [|3.5; 5.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.5|] ]
Statistics.Ranks([| 13.0; 14.0; 11.0; 12.0; 13.0 |], RankDefinition.Sports)
// [fsi:val it : float [] = [|3.0; 5.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0|] ]
This is the counterpart of the Quantile
function, which estimates the
Statistics.QuantileRank(data, x, definition)
Statistics.QuantileRankFunc(data, definition)
SortedArrayStatistics.QuantileRank(data, x, definition)
Statistics.QuantileRank(whiteNoise, 13.0)
// [fsi:val it : float = 0.9370045563]
Statistics.QuantileRank(whiteNoise, 6.7, RankDefinition.Average)
// [fsi:val it : float = 0.04960610389]
Statistics.EmpiricalCDF(data, x)
Statistics.EmpiricalInvCDF(data, tau)
SortedArrayStatistics.EmpiricalCDF(data, x)
let ecdf = Statistics.EmpiricalCDFFunc whiteNoise
Generate.LinearSpacedMap(20, start=3.0, stop=17.0, map=ecdf)
// [fsi:val it : float [] =]
// [fsi: [|0.0; 0.001; 0.002; 0.005; 0.022; 0.05; 0.094; 0.172; 0.278; 0.423; 0.555; ]
// [fsi: 0.705; 0.843; 0.921; 0.944; 0.983; 0.992; 0.997; 0.999; 1.0|] ]
let eicdf = Statistics.empiricalInvCDFFunc whiteNoise
[ for tau in 0.0..0.05..1.0 -> eicdf tau ]
// [fsi:val it : float [] =]
// [fsi: [3.633070184; 6.682142043; 7.520000817; 8.040513497; 8.347587493; ]
// [fsi: 8.645491746; 9.02681611; 9.298987151; 9.522627142; 9.819352699; 10.11872428; ]
// [fsi: 10.35991046; 10.57530906; 10.8259542; 11.08605473; 11.33170746; 11.54356436; ]
// [fsi: 11.90973541; 12.4294346; 13.36889423; 16.65183566] ]
A histogram can be computed using the Histogram class. Its constructor takes the samples enumerable, the number of buckets to create, and, optionally, the range (minimum, maximum) of the sample data if available.
var histogram = new Histogram(samples, 10);
var bucket3count = histogram[2].Count;
The Correlation
class supports computing Pearson's product-momentum and Spearman's ranked
correlation coefficient, as well as their correlation matrix for a set of vectors.
Code Sample: Computing the correlation coefficient of 1000 samples of
double[] dataF = Generate.LinearSpacedMap(1000, 0, 100, x => 2*x);
double[] dataG = Generate.LinearSpacedMap(1000, 0, 100, x => x*x);
double correlation = Correlation.Pearson(dataF, dataG);