public static partial class ExcelFunctions
//public static double ChiDist(double x, double freedom)
// return Chi.PDF(x, freedom);//Is Error
public static double ExponDist(double x, double rate, bool state)
if (state) {
return Exponential.CDF(rate, x);
return Exponential.PDF(rate, x);
public static double HypgeomDist(int k, int draws, int success, int population)
return Hypergeometric.PMF(population, success, draws, k);
public static double NegbinomDist(int k, double r, double p)
return NegativeBinomial.PMF(r, p, k);
public static double LognormDist(double x, double mu, double sigma)
return LogNormal.CDF(mu, sigma, x);
public static double LogInv(double p, double mu, double sigma)
return LogNormal.InvCDF(mu, sigma, p);
public static double BinomDist(int k, int n, double p, bool state)
if (state == false) {
return Binomial.PMF(p, n, k);
return Binomial.CDF(p, n, k);
public static double POISSON(int k, double lambda, bool state)
if (state == false) {
return Poisson.PMF(lambda, k);
return Poisson.CDF(lambda, k);
public static double WEIBULL(double x, double shape, double scale, bool state)
if (state == false) {
return Weibull.PDF(shape, scale, x);
return Weibull.CDF(shape, scale, x);
ChiDist failed, I do not know why it went wrong!
In Excel, "= CHIDIST (1,2)" shows 0.60653066
In the code "Chi.PDF (2, 1)" shows 0.60653065971263365
In Excel, "= CHIDIST (1,3)" shows 0.801251957
In the code "Chi.PDF (3, 1)" shows 0.4839414490382859