diff --git a/src/Numerics.Tests/FitTests.cs b/src/Numerics.Tests/FitTests.cs
index d85ce792c..af6e2f8cb 100644
--- a/src/Numerics.Tests/FitTests.cs
+++ b/src/Numerics.Tests/FitTests.cs
@@ -359,5 +359,201 @@ public void FitsCurveToBestLine()
Assert.AreEqual(7.01013 - 2.08551 * z, resf(z), 1e-4);
+ #region Fit.Deming - Deming/Orthogonal regression
+ [Test]
+ public void FitDemingToExactLineWhenPointsAreOnLine()
+ {
+ var x = new[] { 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 12.0, -3.4, 100.5 };
+ var y = x.Select(z => 4.0 - 1.5 * z).ToArray();
+ var (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(x, y);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(2.0 / 3.0, b, 1e-10);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-8.0 / 3.0, c, 1e-10);
+ var (ay, by) = StandardLineToYxLine(a, b, c);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-1.5, ay, 1e-10);
+ Assert.AreEqual(4.0, by, 1e-10);
+ (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(y, x);
+ Assert.AreEqual(2.0 / 3.0, a, 1e-10);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, b);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-8.0 / 3.0, c, 1e-10);
+ (ay, by) = StandardLineToYxLine(a, b, c);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-2.0 / 3.0, ay, 1e-10);
+ Assert.AreEqual(8.0 / 3.0, by, 1e-10);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FitDemingToBestLine()
+ {
+ // Same data as for FitToBestLine
+ var x = Enumerable.Range(1, 6).Select(Convert.ToDouble).ToArray();
+ var y = new[] { 4.986, 2.347, 2.061, -2.995, -2.352, -5.782 };
+ var (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(x, y);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0.45061, b, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-3.36970, c, 1e-4);
+ var (ay, by) = StandardLineToYxLine(a, b, c);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-2.21922, ay, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(7.47810, by, 1e-4);
+ (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(y, x);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0.45061, a, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, b, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-3.36970, c, 1e-4);
+ (ay, by) = StandardLineToYxLine(a, b, c);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.45061, ay, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(3.36970, by, 1e-4);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FitDemingToBestLineRS()
+ {
+ // Example data from:
+ // https://real-statistics.com/regression/deming-regression/deming-regression-basic-concepts/
+ // -> y = 1.018*x - 0.1708
+ var x = new[] { 5.1, 5.6, 6.8, 5.9, 4.0, 5.6, 6.6, 6.7, 5.2, 4.5 };
+ var y = new[] { 5.4, 5.6, 6.3, 6.1, 4.7, 5.1, 6.6, 6.8, 4.6, 4.1 };
+ double varx = 0.05;
+ double vary = 0.02;
+ var (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(x, y, vary/varx);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.98232, b, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.16778, c, 1e-4);
+ var (ay, by) = StandardLineToYxLine(a, b, c);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.01800, ay, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.17080, by, 1e-4);
+ (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(y, x, varx/vary);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.98232, a, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, b);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.16778, c, 1e-4);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FitDemingToBestLineR()
+ {
+ // R :
+ // library(SimplyAgree)
+ // dat = data.frame(
+ // x = c(7, 8.3, 10.5, 9, 5.1, 8.2, 10.2, 10.3, 7.1, 5.9),
+ // y = c(7.9, 8.2, 9.6, 9, 6.5, 7.3, 10.2, 10.6, 6.3, 5.2)
+ // dem1 = dem_reg(x = "x", y = "y", data = dat, error.ratio = 4, weighted = FALSE)
+ // -> 1.00119 * x - 0.08974
+ // Note that in R: error.ratio = var_x/var_y, while delta here is defined as var_y/var_x
+ // https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SimplyAgree/vignettes/Deming.html
+ var x = new[] { 7.0, 8.3, 10.5, 9.0, 5.1, 8.2, 10.2, 10.3, 7.1, 5.9 };
+ var y = new[] { 7.9, 8.2, 9.6, 9.0, 6.5, 7.3, 10.2, 10.6, 6.3, 5.2 };
+ var (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(x, y, 1.0/4.0);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.99881, b, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.08964, c, 1e-4);
+ var (ay, by) = StandardLineToYxLine(a, b, c);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.00119, ay, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.08974, by, 1e-4);
+ (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(y, x, 4.0);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.99881, a, 1e-4);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, b);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-0.08964, c, 1e-4);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FitDemingToExactHorizontalVerticalLineWhenPointsAreOnLine()
+ {
+ // Special case, testing when sxy and either sxx or syy goes zero
+ var x = Enumerable.Range(1, 6).Select(Convert.ToDouble).ToArray();
+ var y = new[] { 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0 };
+ var (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(x, y);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0.0, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, b);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-5.0, c);
+ var (ay, by) = StandardLineToYxLine(a, b, c);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, ay);
+ Assert.AreEqual(5.0, by);
+ (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(y, x);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0.0, b);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-5.0, c);
+ (ay, by) = StandardLineToYxLine(a, b, c);
+ Assert.AreEqual(double.PositiveInfinity, ay);
+ Assert.AreEqual(5.0, by);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FitDemingToHorizontalVerticalLine()
+ {
+ // Special case, testing when sxy goes zero
+ var x = new[] { 1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0, 7.0, 7.0 };
+ var y = new[] { 3.0, 5.0, 3.0, 5.0, 3.0, 5.0 };
+ var (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(x, y);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0.0, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, b);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-4.0, c);
+ (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(y, x);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1.0, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0.0, b);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-4.0, c);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FitDemingSymmetricData()
+ {
+ // Special case, two equally good solutions
+ var x = new[] { 3.0, 4.0, 3.0, 4.0 };
+ var y = new[] { 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0 };
+ var (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(x, y);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, a);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, b);
+ Assert.AreEqual(-3.5, c);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void FitDemingDegenerateLine()
+ {
+ // Special case, no solution
+ var x = new[] { 3.0, 3.0, 3.0 };
+ var y = new[] { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
+ var (a, b, c) = Fit.Deming(x, y);
+ Assert.IsNaN(a);
+ Assert.IsNaN(b);
+ Assert.IsNaN(c);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Convert line coefficients on the form
+ ///
+ /// a*x + b*y + c = 0
+ ///
+ /// to coefficients on the form
+ ///
+ /// y = ay*x + by
+ ///
+ /// If is zero, the ay will return .
+ ///
+ public static (double ay, double by) StandardLineToYxLine(double a, double b, double c)
+ {
+ if (Math.Abs(b) > (Math.Abs(a) + Math.Abs(c)) * 1e-10)
+ {
+ double ay = -a / b;
+ double by = -c / b;
+ return (ay, by);
+ }
+ return (double.PositiveInfinity, -c);
+ }
+ #endregion
diff --git a/src/Numerics/Fit.cs b/src/Numerics/Fit.cs
index 84bfa3e48..427f65f12 100644
--- a/src/Numerics/Fit.cs
+++ b/src/Numerics/Fit.cs
@@ -80,6 +80,34 @@ public static Func LineThroughOriginFunc(double[] x, double[] y)
return z => slope * z;
+ ///
+ /// Deming/Orthogonal regression, least-Squares fitting the points in
+ /// the 2D dataset (x,y) to a line
+ ///
+ /// a*x + b*y + c = 0
+ ///
+ /// For equal 1 (the default value), this is
+ /// performing orthogonal regression, minimizing the sum of squared
+ /// perpendicular distances from the data points to the regression line.
+ ///
+ /// Orthogonal regression is a special case of Deming regression,
+ /// and is assuming equal error variances on the x and y data,
+ /// and applied by the argument default value of 1.0.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The parameters (a,b,c) are scaled such that a and b
+ /// in absolute values are always less than one.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// X data
+ /// Y data
+ /// Ratio of variances of x and y data, var(y)/var(x). Default value is 1.0.
+ /// returning its best fitting parameters as (a, b, c) tuple.
+ public static (double A, double B, double C) Deming(double[] x, double[] y, double delta = 1.0)
+ {
+ return DemingRegression.Fit(x, y, delta);
+ }
/// Least-Squares fitting the points (x,y) to an exponential y : x -> a*exp(r*x),
/// returning its best fitting parameters as (a, r) tuple.
diff --git a/src/Numerics/LinearRegression/DemingRegression.cs b/src/Numerics/LinearRegression/DemingRegression.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92597ece9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Numerics/LinearRegression/DemingRegression.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// Math.NET Numerics, part of the Math.NET Project
+// http://numerics.mathdotnet.com
+// http://github.com/mathnet/mathnet-numerics
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2023 Math.NET
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+// obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+// restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+// copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+// conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace MathNet.Numerics.LinearRegression
+ public static class DemingRegression
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Deming/Orthogonal regression, least-squares fitting the points in
+ /// the 2D dataset (x,y) to a line
+ ///
+ /// a*x + b*y + c = 0
+ ///
+ /// For equal 1 (the default value), this is
+ /// performing orthogonal regression, minimizing the sum of squared
+ /// perpendicular distances from the data points to the regression line.
+ ///
+ /// Orthogonal regression is a special case of Deming regression,
+ /// and is assuming equal error variances on the x and y data,
+ /// and applied by the argument default value of 1.0.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The parameters (a,b,c) are scaled such that a and b
+ /// in absolute values are always less than one.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// X data
+ /// Y data
+ /// Ratio of variances of x and y data, var(y)/var(x). Default value is 1
+ /// returning its best fitting parameters as (a, b, c) tuple.
+ ///
+ /// Solution algorithm as described from:
+ /// "Deming regression MethComp package", May 2007,
+ /// Anders Christian Jensen, Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte, Denmark
+ /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deming_regression
+ /// https://docplayer.gr/85660531-Deming-regression-methcomp-package-may.html
+ /// Computations are offset to be centered around (mean(x), mean(y)),
+ /// for improved numerical stability.
+ ///
+ public static (double A, double B, double C) Fit(double[] x, double[] y, double delta = 1.0)
+ {
+ if (x.Length != y.Length)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException($"All sample vectors must have the same length. However, vectors with disagreeing length {x.Length} and {y.Length} have been provided. A sample with index i is given by the value at index i of each provided vector.");
+ }
+ if (x.Length <= 1)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentException($"A regression of the requested order requires at least 2 samples. Only {x.Length} samples have been provided.");
+ }
+ // First Pass: Mean and abs-max values
+ double mx = 0.0;
+ double my = 0.0;
+ double maxax = 0;
+ double maxay = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
+ {
+ mx += x[i];
+ my += y[i];
+ double ax = Math.Abs(x[i]);
+ double ay = Math.Abs(y[i]);
+ if (ax > maxax)
+ maxax = ax;
+ if (ay > maxay)
+ maxay = ay;
+ }
+ // Mean values
+ mx /= x.Length;
+ my /= y.Length;
+ // Second Pass: Second-degree central sample moments
+ double sxx = 0.0, sxy = 0.0, syy = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
+ {
+ double xdiff = x[i] - mx;
+ double ydiff = y[i] - my;
+ sxx += xdiff * xdiff;
+ sxy += xdiff * ydiff;
+ syy += ydiff * ydiff;
+ }
+ sxx /= x.Length;
+ sxy /= x.Length;
+ syy /= x.Length;
+ // Need to either solve for a for y = -a*x:
+ // −sxy * a^2 + (syy-delta*sxx) * a + delta*sxy = 0
+ // or solve for b for x = -b*y:
+ // −sxy * b^2 + (sxx-syy/delta) * b + sxy/delta = 0
+ // Which to choose: Depends on whether the slope is larger than one
+ // If sxy is zero, either:
+ // - data is all symmetric around the mid-point
+ // - x or y is constant
+ // Then either a or b, or both, are zero
+ if (Math.Abs(sxy) <= (delta * sxx + syy) * 1e-10)
+ {
+ // When sxx has a value, it is a vertical line
+ if (delta * sxx > syy && sxx > maxax * 1e-10)
+ return (0, 1, -my);
+ // when syy has a value, it is a horizontal line
+ else if (syy > maxay * 1e-10)
+ return (1, 0, -mx);
+ // No line could be calculated
+ else
+ return (double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN);
+ }
+ // Pick a or b solution such that both a and b are always <= 1
+ if (syy <= delta*sxx)
+ {
+ double sxydiff = syy - delta*sxx;
+ double a = -(sxydiff + Math.Sqrt(sxydiff * sxydiff + 4 * delta * sxy * sxy)) / (2 * sxy);
+ double b = 1;
+ double c = -my - a * mx;
+ return (a, b, c);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double syxdiff = sxx - syy/delta;
+ double a = 1;
+ double b = -(syxdiff + Math.Sqrt(syxdiff * syxdiff + 4 / delta * sxy * sxy)) / (2 * sxy);
+ double c = -b * my - mx;
+ return (a, b, c);
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deming/Orthogonal regression, least-Squares fitting the points in
+ /// the 2D dataset (x,y) to a line
+ ///
+ /// a*x + b*y + c = 0
+ ///
+ /// For equal 1 (the default value), this is
+ /// performing orthogonal regression, minimizing the sum of squared
+ /// perpendicular distances from the data points to the regression line.
+ ///
+ /// See for more details.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// (x,y) data as tuples
+ /// Ratio of variances of x and y data, var(y)/var(x). Default value is 1
+ /// returning its best fitting parameters as (a, b, c) tuple.
+ public static (double A, double B, double C) Fit(IEnumerable> samples, double delta = 1.0)
+ {
+ var (u, v) = samples.UnpackSinglePass();
+ return Fit(u, v);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deming/Orthogonal regression, least-Squares fitting the points in
+ /// the 2D dataset (x,y) to a line
+ ///
+ /// a*x + b*y + c = 0
+ ///
+ /// For equal 1 (the default value), this is
+ /// performing orthogonal regression, minimizing the sum of squared
+ /// perpendicular distances from the data points to the regression line.
+ ///
+ /// See for more details.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// (x,y) data as tuples
+ /// Ratio of variances of x and y data, var(y)/var(x). Default value is 1
+ /// returning its best fitting parameters as (a, b, c) tuple.
+ public static (double A, double B, double C) Fit(IEnumerable<(double, double)> samples, double delta = 1.0)
+ {
+ var (u, v) = samples.UnpackSinglePass();
+ return Fit(u, v);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Numerics/LinearRegression/SimpleRegression.cs b/src/Numerics/LinearRegression/SimpleRegression.cs
index 5a3897fe8..81ff5df67 100644
--- a/src/Numerics/LinearRegression/SimpleRegression.cs
+++ b/src/Numerics/LinearRegression/SimpleRegression.cs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public static (double A, double B) Fit(double[] x, double[] y)
if (x.Length <= 1)
- throw new ArgumentException($"A regression of the requested order requires at least {2} samples. Only {x.Length} samples have been provided.");
+ throw new ArgumentException($"A regression of the requested order requires at least 2 samples. Only {x.Length} samples have been provided.");
// First Pass: Mean (Less robust but faster than ArrayStatistics.Mean)