diff --git a/src/ListMessageSplitter.ts b/src/ListMessageSplitter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0bf207f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ListMessageSplitter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ The list splitter is meant to help with large itemized messages (such as a ban list),
+ which each have "headers" (bits of text that introduce the list).
+ The behaviour is such that one pumps items and headers one-by-one into ListMessageSplitter,
+ which then splits them internally to accomodate maximum matrix event sizes, and renders them simultaniously.
+ As such, a workflow with ListMessageSplitter would look something like this;
+ ```js
+ const splitter = new ListMessageSplitter();
+ // Start a new list, input both html and text versions of the header.
+ splitter.add_header("Rules currently in use:", "Rules currently in use:");
+ for (rule of this.rules) {
+ // Add a new "paragraph", an item, se string templates here for each item.
+ splitter.add_paragraph(
+ `rule #${rule.number}
: ${rule.text()}`,
+ `rule #${rule.number}: ${rule.text()}`
+ )
+ }
+ if (this.rules.length === 0) {
+ splitter.add_paragraph(
+ "No rules configured",
+ "No rules configured"
+ )
+ }
+ // Add another header, start a new list in the same message.
+ splitter.add_header("Servers currently observed:", "Servers currently observed:");
+ for (server of this.servers) {
+ splitter.add_paragraph(
+ `server ${server.name()}`,
+ `server ${server.name()}`
+ )
+ }
+ if (this.servers.length === 0) {
+ splitter.add_paragraph(
+ "No servers observed",
+ "No servers observed"
+ )
+ }
+ // Reply to an event with the whole deal, splitting into multiple messages as needed.
+ splitter.reply(mjolnir.client, roomId, event, true)
+ ```
+import {MatrixClient, RichReply} from "matrix-bot-sdk";
+// Helper type for html + text tuples.
+export type MessageSnippet = { html: string, text: string };
+// The max size a message can be, with 24_000 picked at random to accommodate for overhead.
+// Note: This amount was checked through trial and error, a conservative estimate would be
+// 65_536 / 2, though this author does not know overhead estimates of matrix E2EE.
+// The overhead from E2EE.
+export const OVERHEAD = 24_000
+// The max size a message can be.
+export const MAX_SIZE = 65_536 - OVERHEAD;
+// The extra bits that a
tag wrapping would add to a message
+const UL_TAG_WRAP_SIZE = "".length;
+// The extra bits that a list tag wrapping would add to a message
+const HTML_LIST_ITEM_EXTRA_SIZE = "".length;
+// The extra bits that listification of plaintext items would add to a message.
+const TEXT_LIST_ITEM_EXTRA_SIZE = " * \n".length;
+ * An "Item" object to push into the list splitter.
+ *
+ * Note: `html` and `text` must collectively not exceed MAX_SIZE.
+ */
+export class MessageListItem {
+ public readonly html: string;
+ public readonly text: string;
+ constructor(
+ html: string,
+ text: string,
+ ) {
+ if ((html.length + text.length) > MAX_SIZE)
+ throw new Error("HTML + text string size too large for one item")
+ this.html = html;
+ this.text = text;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The total size of this list item, were it to be rendered.
+ */
+ public size(): number {
+ return this.html.length + HTML_LIST_ITEM_EXTRA_SIZE
+ + this.text.length + TEXT_LIST_ITEM_EXTRA_SIZE
+ }
+ * A "header" object to push into the list splitter.
+ */
+export class MessageListHeader extends MessageListItem {
+ public size(): number {
+ return this.html.length + this.text.length
+ }
+ * An internal helper class to hold a series of items, together with an optional header.
+ *
+ * Mainly provides a coherent split_at_size function that would allow for on-demand-sized splitting of
+ * listings with headers.
+ */
+class MessageListing {
+ public items: MessageListItem[] = [];
+ constructor(public readonly header: MessageListHeader | null) {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attempts to split this listing into a `sized` and `rest` listing.
+ *
+ * @param desiredSize The desired max size to try to fit this listing in.
+ * @returns "sized" and "rest".
+ *
+ * "sized" will be non-null either if the current listing fits entirely within the desired size,
+ * or if it could be split to a desired size. Non-null "sized" is always within the desired size.
+ *
+ * "rest" will be non-null with either the "rest" of the listing (after sized has been split),
+ * or a copy of the current listing (if sized couldn't be made fit to the desired size).
+ */
+ public splitAtSize(desiredSize: number): {sized: MessageListing | null, rest: MessageListing | null} {
+ if (this.size() <= desiredSize) {
+ // If the current listing is under the desired size, just return it, rest = null.
+ return {sized: this, rest: null};
+ } else {
+ // Else, split it.
+ // Create a new listing with just the current header,
+ // as a candidate for the new sized listing.
+ const sized = new MessageListing(this.header);
+ if (sized.size() > desiredSize) {
+ // If the header alone is too much, just give up.
+ return {sized: null, rest: this}
+ }
+ // Create another listing, and dump the rest of all items in there.
+ const rest = new MessageListing(null);
+ // Be sure to shallow copy, to not disturb the `this` listing.
+ rest.items = [...this.items];
+ // Perform initial shift of item into a variable.
+ let currentItem = rest.items.shift();
+ // Keep looping while there are still items left.
+ // (Replaced at the end of the loop)
+ while (currentItem !== undefined) {
+ // Add the new item to `sized` tentatively.
+ sized.items.push(currentItem);
+ if (sized.size() > desiredSize) {
+ // If we went over the limit, return the last item and return the results
+ rest.items.unshift(sized.items.pop()!)
+ if (sized.items.length > 0) {
+ return {sized, rest};
+ } else {
+ // If this was the first item, `sized` is empty, return null.
+ return {sized: null, rest}
+ }
+ }
+ currentItem = rest.items.shift();
+ }
+ // ??? We somehow did not go over the size limit when testing it per item?
+ // This is a weird state, as we should have already caught this with the
+ // `this.size() <= desiredSize` conditional.
+ // There is one situation where this can happen, and that is if this.items is empty.
+ if (this.items.length !== 0)
+ throw new Error(`Undefined state: encountered end of while loop while this.items is non-empty`)
+ else
+ return {sized, rest: null}
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The complete size of this listing. (if it were to be rendered)
+ */
+ public size(): number {
+ const withHeader = this.header !== null ? this.header.size() + "\n".length + "
".length : 0;
+ return withHeader
+ + (this.items.length > 0 ? UL_TAG_WRAP_SIZE : 0)
+ + this.items.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr.size(), 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render this listing into a MessageSnippet.
+ */
+ public render(): MessageSnippet {
+ const current: MessageSnippet = {
+ html: "",
+ text: ""
+ };
+ for (const item of this.items) {
+ current.html += `- ${item.html}
+ current.text += ` * ${item.text}\n`
+ }
+ current.html = this.items.length > 0 ? `` : "";
+ if (this.header !== null) {
+ current.html = this.header.html + "
".length + current.html;
+ current.text = this.header.text + "\n" + current.text;
+ }
+ return current;
+ }
+ * A class that allows splitting items and headers into multiple messages.
+ */
+export class ListMessageSplitter {
+ private listings: MessageListing[] = [];
+ constructor() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a header to start a listing with, to be followed up with paragraphs/items of text.
+ *
+ * @param html The HTML that the header consists of.
+ * @param text The "fallback" text that the header consists of.
+ */
+ public addHeader(html: string, text: string) {
+ this.add(new MessageListHeader(html, text))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a paragraph of text to the current latest listing, this will be itemized.
+ *
+ * @param html The HTML that the paragraph consists of.
+ * @param text The "fallback" text that the paragraph consists of.
+ */
+ public addParagraph(html: string, text: string) {
+ this.add(new MessageListItem(html, text))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add a single "item" to the current listings.
+ *
+ * This method is not recommended for easy use, use addHeader or addParagraph instead.
+ *
+ * @param item The listing item to add, either a header or a list item.
+ */
+ public add(item: MessageListItem | MessageListHeader) {
+ if (item instanceof MessageListHeader) {
+ this.listings.push(new MessageListing(item))
+ } else {
+ if (this.listings.length === 0) {
+ const listing = new MessageListing(null);
+ listing.items.push(item);
+ this.listings.push(listing);
+ } else {
+ this.listings[-1].items.push(item)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Split the listings until they do not hit MAX_SIZE anymore.
+ private splitListings(listings: MessageListing[]): MessageListing[][] {
+ const result: MessageListing[][] = [];
+ let current: MessageListing[] = [];
+ let currentSize = 0;
+ let listing: MessageListing | null;
+ for (listing of listings) {
+ while (listing !== null) {
+ let { sized, rest } = listing.splitAtSize(MAX_SIZE - currentSize);
+ if (sized !== null) {
+ current.push(sized);
+ currentSize += sized.size()
+ } else {
+ result.push(current);
+ current = [];
+ currentSize = 0;
+ }
+ listing = rest;
+ }
+ }
+ result.push(current);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render the current listings inside the splitter into a series of message (html and text)
+ * snippets to be posted to the room.
+ */
+ public render(): MessageSnippet[] {
+ const rendered: MessageSnippet[] = [];
+ const chunks = this.splitListings(this.listings);
+ for (const chunk of chunks) {
+ const current: MessageSnippet = {
+ html: "",
+ text: "",
+ }
+ for (const listing of chunk) {
+ const {html, text} = listing.render();
+ current.html += html;
+ current.text += text;
+ }
+ rendered.push(current)
+ }
+ return rendered;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render the current listings, and reply to a message with the first message,
+ * posting the following messages in the room as-is.
+ *
+ * @param client The matrix client with which to send these messages.
+ * @param roomId The room to respond into.
+ * @param toEvent The event to reply to.
+ * @param mNotice Whether or not these messages should be m.notice or not.
+ */
+ public async reply(client: MatrixClient, roomId: string, toEvent: any, mNotice: boolean) {
+ const rendered = this.render();
+ const first = rendered.shift()!;
+ const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, toEvent, first.text, first.html);
+ if (mNotice)
+ reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
+ await client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
+ for (const message of rendered) {
+ await client.sendMessage(roomId, {
+ msgtype: mNotice ? "m.notice" : "m.text",
+ body: message.text,
+ format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
+ formatted_body: message.html,
+ });
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/commands/DumpRulesCommand.ts b/src/commands/DumpRulesCommand.ts
index ca92e791..1f7aded7 100644
--- a/src/commands/DumpRulesCommand.ts
+++ b/src/commands/DumpRulesCommand.ts
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import { RichReply } from "matrix-bot-sdk";
import { Mjolnir } from "../Mjolnir";
import { EntityType } from "../models/ListRule";
import { htmlEscape } from "../utils";
+import { ListMessageSplitter } from "../ListMessageSplitter";
* List all of the rules that match a given entity.
@@ -77,52 +78,58 @@ export async function execRulesMatchingCommand(roomId: string, event: any, mjoln
// !mjolnir rules
export async function execDumpRulesCommand(roomId: string, event: any, mjolnir: Mjolnir) {
- let html = "Rules currently in use:
- let text = "Rules currently in use:\n";
+ let splitter = new ListMessageSplitter();
+ splitter.addHeader("Rules currently in use:", "Rules currently in use:");
- let hasLists = false;
for (const list of mjolnir.lists) {
- hasLists = true;
let hasRules = false;
const shortcodeInfo = list.listShortcode ? ` (shortcode: ${list.listShortcode})` : '';
- html += `${list.roomId}${shortcodeInfo}:
- text += `${list.roomRef}${shortcodeInfo}:\n`;
+ splitter.addHeader(`${list.roomId}${shortcodeInfo}:`, `${list.roomRef}${shortcodeInfo}:`);
for (const rule of list.serverRules) {
hasRules = true;
- html += `- server (
): ${htmlEscape(rule.entity)}
(${htmlEscape(rule.reason)}) `;
- text += `* server (${rule.recommendation}): ${rule.entity} (${rule.reason})\n`;
+ splitter.addParagraph(
+ `server (${rule.recommendation}
): ${htmlEscape(rule.entity)}
+ `server (${rule.recommendation}): ${rule.entity} (${rule.reason})`
+ )
for (const rule of list.userRules) {
hasRules = true;
- html += `- user (
): ${htmlEscape(rule.entity)}
(${htmlEscape(rule.reason)}) `;
- text += `* user (${rule.recommendation}): ${rule.entity} (${rule.reason})\n`;
+ splitter.addParagraph(
+ `user (${rule.recommendation}
): ${htmlEscape(rule.entity)}
+ `user (${rule.recommendation}): ${rule.entity} (${rule.reason})`
+ )
for (const rule of list.roomRules) {
hasRules = true;
- html += `- room (
): ${htmlEscape(rule.entity)}
(${htmlEscape(rule.reason)}) `;
- text += `* room (${rule.recommendation}): ${rule.entity} (${rule.reason})\n`;
+ splitter.addParagraph(
+ `room (${rule.recommendation}
): ${htmlEscape(rule.entity)}
+ `room (${rule.recommendation}): ${rule.entity} (${rule.reason})`
+ )
if (!hasRules) {
- html += "- No rules";
- text += "* No rules\n";
+ splitter.addParagraph(
+ "No rules",
+ "No rules"
+ )
- html += "
- text += "\n";
- if (!hasLists) {
- html = "No ban lists configured";
- text = "No ban lists configured";
+ if (mjolnir.lists.length === 0) {
+ splitter.addParagraph(
+ "No ban lists configured",
+ "No ban lists configured"
+ )
- const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, html);
- reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
- return mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
+ await splitter.reply(mjolnir.client, roomId, event, true);