I cannot delete boards that were created from an existing template.
If I create a new, empty board, I can delete it.
I cannot delete a board from a template.
I cannot delete the 1st card on a board either
I get some errors:
error [2024-02-14 03:16:07.962 Z] pq: relation "fileinfo" does not exist caller="api/api.go:183" error [2024-02-14 03:16:07.962 Z] API ERROR caller="api/api.go:200" code=500 error="pq: relation "fileinfo" does not exist" api=/api/v2/boards/byq5h6yjpriy7ffe34131zwdtko debug [2024-02-14 03:16:09.587 Z] Command: AUTH caller="ws/server.go:149" client="" debug [2024-02-14 03:16:09.587 Z] authenticateListener caller="ws/server.go:436" token=kh1drzhe9e3nodewwiqbrhb4c5h wsSession.userID= error [2024-02-14 03:16:09.587 Z] ERROR WebSocket caller="ws/server.go:130" client="" error="read tcp> use of closed network connection" debug [2024-02-14 03:16:09.587 Z] DISCONNECT WebSocket caller="ws/server.go:119" client="" debug [2024-02-14 03:16:12.614 Z] Command: AUTH caller="ws/server.go:149" client="" debug [2024-02-14 03:16:12.614 Z] authenticateListener caller="ws/server.go:436" token=kh1drzhe9e3nodewwiqbrhb4c5h wsSession.userID= error [2024-02-14 03:16:12.615 Z] ERROR WebSocket caller="ws/server.go:130" client="" error="read tcp> use of closed network connection" debug [2024-02-14 03:16:12.615 Z] DISCONNECT WebSocket caller="ws/server.go:119" client="" debug [2024-02-14 03:16:15.663 Z] Command: AUTH caller="ws/server.go:149" client="" debug [2024-02-14 03:16:15.663 Z] authenticateListener caller="ws/server.go:436" token=kh1drzhe9e3nodewwiqbrhb4c5h wsSession.userID= error [2024-02-14 03:16:15.664 Z] ERROR WebSocket caller="ws/server.go:130" client="" error="read tcp> use of closed network connection" debug [2024-02-14 03:16:15.664 Z] DISCONNECT WebSocket caller="ws/server.go:119" client=""
The Chrome Brwoser says:
DELETE 500 (Internal Server Error) deleteBoard @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:349 (anonymous) @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:349 perform @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:349 deleteBoard @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:349 (anonymous) @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:349 onClick @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:349 l @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 p @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 (anonymous) @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 _ @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 lt @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 ot @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 st @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 gt @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 I @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 V @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 Xt @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 Qt @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:349 Wa @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 A @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300 Jt @ main.js?ccf8d6c26f31398c2ea5:300
I have made a video
Docker on Synology used Portainer with this yml file