I am a very experienced vi and vim user. In the last year or two, I've gotten interested in Kakoune and have used it a fair amount. I've also read the arguments in favor of select first, operate second. I want to mention something here that I have not seen discussed.
In vim, I use the find (f and t) commands for two purposes:
- I want to perform an operation on everything between where the cursor is currently and the character to be found, e.g., 'dt,'.
- I simply want to navigate to the found character and once there, do a local operation, e.g., an insert or a replace.
To do 2. in Kakoune, I need to be very careful. If, for example, after a find I press 'i' with the intention of inserting at the target character, the insertion takes place where I came from, not where I'm at. I have to remember to collapse the selection that I didn't want in this case. So it's more mental effort and an extra keystroke than the same situation in vim.
In vim, I can run the find command by itself, not preceded by an operator, which gets me to my target character, where I can do whatever operation I want at that site. If I want 1. above, then I can precede the find with an operator. I have not found a way to separate these two cases easily in Kakoune. It would help if there were non-selecting versions of the find commands. I haven't figured out a way to achieve that myself.