Hello, I just installed plugin and it seems to be a gr8 help but it doesn't work for me :( I'm getting this error :( tried to search through internet but haven't found nothing that could help me. By any chance you know what may be going on ? Many thanks in advance and have a gr8 day.
(below full message from the console)
"C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\npx-cli.js" cypress run --reporter C:\Users\tamir\AppData\Local\Temp\intellij-cypress-reporter8780559661397189073.js --spec "C:/Users/tamir/Desktop/Cypress Automation/cypress/integration/examples/filters/functionality/quick_remove.js"
‼ Warning: It looks like you're passing --spec a space-separated list of arguments:
"C:/Users/tamir/Desktop/Cypress Automation/cypress/integration/examples/filters/functionality/quick_remove.js"
This will work, but it's not recommended.
If you are trying to pass multiple arguments, separate them with commas instead:
cypress run --spec arg1,arg2,arg3
The most common cause of this warning is using an unescaped glob pattern. If you are
trying to pass a glob pattern, escape it using quotes:
cypress run --spec "**/*.spec.js"
Can't run because no spec files were found.
We searched for any files matching this glob pattern:
Relative to the project root folder:
C:\Users\tamir\Desktop\Cypress Automation
Process finished with exit code 1