Scenario: Run the whole feature file
Given I have a feature file with several scenarios
And some are failing
When I run the feature file (by presssing the run icon) left of Feature
Then in the "Test Result" tree-view I see BOTH success-icons and failure-icons
Scenario: Run a failing scenario
Given I have a feature file with several scenarios
And some are failing
When I run only run a failing scenario (by presssing the run icon) left of the Scenario
Then in the "Test Result" tree-view I see failure-icon on the scenario that run
But I see success-icons on all other scenarios
Suggested solution:
Scenario: Run a failing scenario
Given I have a feature file with several scenarios
And some are failing
When I run only run a failing scenario
Then I see failure-icon on the scenario that run
But I see pending-icons on all other scenarios
Example feature content where only first Scenario should "be green":
Feature: Google Main Page
I want to open a search engine
Scenario: Opening search page 1
Given I open Google page
Then I see "Google" in the title
Scenario: Opening search page 2
Given I open Google page
Then I see "Google 2" in the title
Scenario: Opening search page 3
Given I open Google page
Then I see "Google 3" in the title