diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index b631b4d..dc7ed0b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Contributions of any kind are welcome, just follow the [guidelines](.github/CONT - [Workshop: Getting started with Quarto](https://rstudio-conf-2022.github.io/get-started-quarto/) - "Get started with Quarto" workshop materials for rstudio::conf(2022). - [Workshop: Quarto, a library to run them all?](https://warwickcim.github.io/quarto-workshop/slides/slides.html) - Workshop at [RSECon'22](https://rsecon2022.society-rse.org/), led by Carlos Cámara, James Tripp and Cagatay Turkay (materials: ). - [Tutorial: Creating your personal website using Quarto](https://ucsb-meds.github.io/creating-quarto-websites/) - A step-by-step guide for setting up a personal website using Quarto by Samantha Csik. -- [Tutorial: Customizing Quarto Websites - Make your website stand out using SASS & CSS](https://ucsb-meds.github.io/customizing-quarto-websites/) - Slides by Samantha Csik about using SASS and CSS to customise HTM Quarto website (materials: ). +- [Tutorial: Customizing Quarto Websites - Make your website stand out using SASS & CSS](https://ucsb-meds.github.io/customizing-quarto-websites/) - Slides by Samantha Csik about using SASS and CSS to customise HTML Quarto website (materials: ). - [Workshop: Quartaki — 6 hour introduction to Quarto](https://drmowinckels.github.io/quartaki/) - Using R and RStudio by [Athanasia Mo Mowinckel](https://github.com/drmowinckels) covering basic markdown, html reports, citation & cross-refs, pdf and journal templates and Reveal.js presentations. - [Workshop: Mi primer blog con Quarto](https://perezp44.github.io/taller.primer.blog/) - A workshop in Spanish by Pedro J. Pérez to create a blog with Quarto (materials: ). - [Tutorial: Creating Quarto Journal Article Templates](https://christophertkenny.com/posts/2023-07-01-creating-quarto-journal-articles/) - An in-depth blog post detailing the process for converting journal LaTeX templates into Quarto templates. @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Contributions of any kind are welcome, just follow the [guidelines](.github/CONT - [Tutorial: Create Your Website with Quarto](https://www.marvinschmitt.com/blog/website-tutorial-quarto/) - A tutorial on how to create a website using Quarto by Marvin Schmitt. - [Tutorial: Publish a Quarto website with Netlify](https://jadeyryan.com/blog/publish-quarto-website/) - A comprehensive blog post walking through how to create a Quarto website, connect it to GitHub, deploy & publish it with Netlify by Jadey Ryan. - [Workshop: Parameterized Reports with Quarto](https://jadeyryan.quarto.pub/rladies-dc-quarto-params/) - A 2-hour code-along workshop to learn parameterized reporting with `quarto` and `purrr` to generate multiple format outputs (materials: ). -- [Turorials: Quarto Visual Editor and RStudio](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzw67WWDg80-fT1hq2IZf7D62tRmKy8f&si=ECVfFIH1bg6_JfjS) - A YouTube playlist of short videos tutorials for beginners to work with Quarto Visual Editor and RStudio by Andy Field. +- [Tutorials: Quarto Visual Editor and RStudio](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEzw67WWDg80-fT1hq2IZf7D62tRmKy8f&si=ECVfFIH1bg6_JfjS) - A YouTube playlist of short videos tutorials for beginners to work with Quarto Visual Editor and RStudio by Andy Field. - [Quarto for amsmath LaTeX users](https://nmfs-opensci.github.io/quarto-amsmath) - Notes focused on addressing issues related to using amsmath LaTeX for numbered equations and fancy math in Quarto books, specifically for HTML and PDF rendering. - [Tutorial: A step-by-step guide to parameterized reporting in R using Quarto](https://rfortherestofus.com/2024/06/parameterized-reporting-quarto) - A walkthrough of how to use parameterized reporting with Quarto with videos. @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Contributions of any kind are welcome, just follow the [guidelines](.github/CONT - [Python](https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-python) - [Python](https://www.python.org/) interface package to Quarto CLI. - [R](https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-r) - [R](https://www.r-project.org/) interface package to Quarto CLI. - [ecodown](https://github.com/edgararuiz/ecodown) - Turn R package documentation `pkgdown` website into a Quarto website. -- [Simulate colorblindeness](https://rpubs.com/ijlyttle/quarto-cvd-widget) - Observable widget to simulate colorblindness for your whole document. +- [Simulate colorblindness](https://rpubs.com/ijlyttle/quarto-cvd-widget) - Observable widget to simulate colorblindness for your whole document. - [quartostamp](https://github.com/matt-dray/quartostamp) - An R package containing an [RStudio Addin](https://rstudio.github.io/rstudioaddins/) to insert some useful divs and classes into your Quarto `revealjs` document. - [ohq2quarto](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/ohq2quarto) - A Rust-based command line utility to turn any [ObservableHQ](https://observablehq.com/) notebook into a Quarto project. - [Quartize](https://github.com/hrbrmstr/reveal-qmd) - A Chrome extension to transform any [ObservableHQ](https://observablehq.com/) notebook into a list of downloadable `FileAttachment`s and an in-page Quarto source document. @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Contributions of any kind are welcome, just follow the [guidelines](.github/CONT - [Improvements in textrecipes](https://github.com/emilhvitfeldt/talk-useR2022-textrecipes/) - See slides [here](https://emilhvitfeldt.github.io/talk-useR2022-textrecipes/). - [Quarto: Create Beautiful Documents with R, Python, Julia and Observable (Runapp 2022 talk)](https://github.com/jimjam-slam/talk-runapp-quarto-2022) - See slides [here](https://runapp2022.talks.jamesgoldie.dev/). - [Iframes Gallery](https://github.com/EmilHvitfeldt/quarto-iframe-examples) - A gallery of iframes that could be used in Quarto `revealjs` format. -- [Continental-scale biodiversity data assessment using the Atlas of Living Australia](https://github.com/shandiya/VicBioCon2023) - Slides for éVictorian Biodiversity Conference 2023" (See slides [here](https://shandiya.quarto.pub/vicbiocon2023/)). +- [Continental-scale biodiversity data assessment using the Atlas of Living Australia](https://github.com/shandiya/VicBioCon2023) - Slides for éVictorian Biodiversity Conference 2023 (See slides [here](https://shandiya.quarto.pub/vicbiocon2023/)). ### Websites formats @@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ Contributions of any kind are welcome, just follow the [guidelines](.github/CONT - [R for Data Science, 2E](https://github.com/hadley/r4ds/) - "R for Data Science" book second edition (see ). - [R Packages, 2E](https://github.com/hadley/r-pkgs/) - "R Packages" book second edition (see ). -- [mlr3book](https://github.com/mlr-org/mlr3book/tree/main/book/) - Book on the [`ml3r`](https://mlr3.mlr-org.com/) packages ecosystem (see ). +- [mlr3book](https://github.com/mlr-org/mlr3book/tree/main/book/) - Book on the [`mlr3`](https://mlr3.mlr-org.com/) packages ecosystem (see ). - [Introduction to Data Analysis with R](https://jmbuhr.de/dataintro/) - Introductory course with videos and lecture scripts as a Quarto book format. -- [Python for Data Analysis, 3E](https://github.com/wesm/pydata-book) - "Python for Data Analysis" book thrid edition (see ). +- [Python for Data Analysis, 3E](https://github.com/wesm/pydata-book) - "Python for Data Analysis" book third edition (see ). ### Other formats