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There might be nothing in the world that packs as many life lessons as the activity of sailing. Sailing teaches engineering, fluid dynamics, history, preparation, patience, oceanography, ecology… all in one fell swoop. Note 1️⃣ In addition, competitive sailing teaches teamwork, strategy, tactics, and precise communication! Because of this and more, we believe everyone should learn to sail. One of the greatest things about sailing is you can do it your entire life. Join us!

A common misconception about sailing is its really expensive. Sailing is actually less expensive or comparable to most organized sports.
In addition to learning and fun, sailing is about culture. It is unique to communities near the ocean (and some lakes). Long Beach in particular has a rich sailing history, including the Midwinter Regatta, which started in 1928 is the longest running annual regatta in Southern California.
If you're interested in joining our club, start on the About Sato Sailing page!

This is where you'll learn all about the program, find registration info, and further instructions. The latest information is always found in the club 📁 Shared folder. This folder provides full read, edit, and create access to all the shared documents about the club. They are updated often, by all parents & sailors. We share info about the club, coordinate carpooling to practice and regattas, coordinate fund-raising activities, and more!
Info about the organizations we're involved, help us with our program, or just good to know about in the world of sailing.
- ABYC: Alamitos Bay Yacht Club — Local facility that hosts High School Sailing Program, including boats & coaching.
- PCISA — Regional district of the Interscholastic Sailing Association (ISSA) governs secondary school sailing in the United States
- SCYRRA — Dedicated to the improvement of sailing skills among youth racing sailors in Southern California. Not a part of High School sailing, but provides access to more regattas & avenues to learn.
- US Sailing — US Sailing’s Youth Department connects you to the programs, events, and resources that support youth sailors and stakeholders.
- ISAF: Team Racing — About Team racing; By World Sailing (ISAF), who is responsible for the promotion of sailing internationally, Olympic and Paralympic Games, Racing Rules & regulations, and more.
- Adapted and expanded upon from article about why all kids should sail by American Sailing Association