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I don't think we should add pair manipulation into Meow. Pair manipulation can be really complex, even more than Meow itself. Instead, we should let Meow playing well with these pair manipulation packages. |
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For what it is worth, as I've mentioned before, embrace does pair manipulation well, and is easy to use with meow. Perhaps it is best to just point this out in the docs? I'm not sure I see why it should be part of meow itself. Here's my setup for it if that is useful: (use-package embrace
:straight (:type git :host github :repo "cute-jumper/embrace.el")
:bind (("C-M-s-#" . embrace-commander))
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'embrace-org-mode-hook)
(defun embrace-markdown-mode-hook ()
(dolist (lst '((?* "*" . "*")
(?\ "\\" . "\\")
(?$ "$" . "$")
(?/ "/" . "/")))
(embrace-add-pair (car lst) (cadr lst) (cddr lst))))
(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook 'embrace-markdown-mode-hook)) I then add |
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Old thread, but I feel like Meow's "select-thing" commands provide the missing link that makes Emacs's built-in For example, using the respective suggested mappings...
surround the next 4 words with parens: in Dvorak Maybe not as featureful as packages like smartparens or embrace, but it works just fine. It's also probably not as succinct, but a couple of keyboard macros could easily fix that. Here are the settings I use for electric-pair-mode.
That's it! Maybe someone will find this useful. |
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Maybe it's not so convenient. This is what we can do without using an external package: pair-manipulation.mp4 |
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I think it's maybe reasonable to say that pair/surround manipulation is a commonly missed feature in meow. I've been thinking about this for some time now, and I'd like some community feedback. Please feel free to post any of your thoughts, ideas or opinions.
a. Any idea about how to handle more arbitrary selection manipulation? Embrace lets you turn a selection into a function and further prompts you for what the function name is. Same idea with html tags. Should this arbitrary text prompt be built into meow, or should we offer a function interface where you can write your own manipulation function and register it kind of like a hook?
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