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825 lines (678 loc) · 59.9 KB

BricksBuilder.create(brick, target, settings)

This feature is temporarily exclusive for MLM (México) 🇲🇽 and MLA (Argentina) 🇦🇷

Full example with review and confirmation steps:

mp.bricks().create("payment", "paymentBrick_container", {
  initialization: {
    amount: 80,
    preferenceId: "<PREFERENCE_ID>",
    items: {
      totalItemsAmount: 100,
      itemsList: [
          units: 10,
          value: 10,
          name: "<NAME>",
          description: "<DESCRIPTION>",
          imageURL: "<IMAGE_URL>",
    shipping: {
      costs: 0,
      shippingMode: "<SHIPPING_MODE>",
      description: "<SHIPPING_DESCRIPTION>",
      receiverAddress: {
        streetName: "<STREET_NAME>",
        streetNumber: "<STREET_NUMBER>",
        neighborhood: "<PAYER_NEIGHBORHOOD>",
        city: "<PAYER_CITY>",
        federalUnit: "<PAYER_FED_UNIT>",
        zipCode: "<ZIP_CODE>",
        additionalInformation: "<ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION>",
    payer: {
      email: "<EMAIL>",
    billing: {
      firstName: "<FIRST_NAME>",
      lastName: "<LAST_NAME>",
      taxRegime: "<TAX_REGIME>",
      taxIdentificationNumber: "<TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER>",
      identification: {
        type: "<IDENTIFICATION_TYPE>",
        number: "<IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER>",
      billingAddress: {
        streetName: "<STREET_NAME>",
        streetNumber: "<STREET_NUMBER>",
        neighborhood: "<PAYER_NEIGHBORHOOD>",
        city: "<PAYER_CITY>",
        federalUnit: "<FED_UNIT>",
        zipCode: "<ZIP_CODE>",
    discounts: {
      totalDiscountsAmount: 20,
      discountsList: [
          name: "<DISCOUNT_NAME>",
          value: 20,
  customization: {
    paymentMethods: {
      creditCard: "all",
      debitCard: "all",
      prepaidCard: "all",
      ticket: "all",
      bankTransfer: "all",
      mercadoPago: "all",
      atm: "all",
    enableReviewStep: true,
    reviewCardsOrder: ["payment_method", "shipping", "billing"],
  callbacks: {
    onReady: () => {},
    onSubmit: ({ paymentMethod, formData }) => {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        fetch("/process_payment", {
          method: "POST",
          headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
          body: JSON.stringify(formData),
          .then((response) => response.json())
          .then((response) => resolve())
          .catch((error) => reject());
    onError: (error) => {},
    onClickEditShippingData: () => {},
    onClickEditBillingData: () => {},
    onRenderNextStep: (currentStep) => {},
    onRenderPreviousStep: (currentStep) => {},


brick | string, REQUIRED

Selected Brick. Possible values are: payment.

target | string, REQUIRED

Id of the container that the brick will be rendered in. Can be any HTML element.

settings | object, REQUIRED

The settings object has properties to initialize and customize the brick being created.

Setting key Type Description
initialization object Defines the initialization data. See more REQUIRED
callbacks object Defines the callback functions. See more REQUIRED
customization object Defines custom properties. See more OPTIONAL
locale string Defines the locale. OPTIONAL


Initialization is an object with the properties the brick will initialize with.

Initialization key Type Description
amount number Defines the final transaction amount, including shipping fee and possible discounts REQUIRED
preferenceId string If provided, the brick will bring to screen the Mercado Pago payment option. The preference id should be created in Backend OPTIONAL
payer object Defines payer initial data. See more OPTIONAL
items object [Exclusive for review step] Defines the ordered items. See more OPTIONAL
shipping object [Exclusive for review step] Defines shipping data. See more OPTIONAL
billing object [Exclusive for review step] Defines billing data. See more OPTIONAL
discounts object [Exclusive for review step] Defines applied discounts data. See more OPTIONAL


Contains initial payer information.

Payer key Type Description
email string Defines the payer email. Brick will hide email field if this value is correctly filled REQUIRED
firstName string Payer first name OPTIONAL
lastName string Payer last name OPTIONAL
identification object Defines payer identification. Contains keys type and number OPTIONAL
identification.type string Identification type. Possible values vary based on siteId REQUIRED
identification.number string Identification number. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the identification number input REQUIRED
address object Defines payer address. Contains keys zipCode, federalUnit, city, neighborhood, streetName, streetNumber and complement OPTIONAL
address.zipCode string Zip code of payer address. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the zip code input OPTIONAL
address.federalUnit string State of payer address. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the federal unit input OPTIONAL string City of payer address. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the city input OPTIONAL
address.neighborhood string Neighborhood of payer address. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the neighborhood input OPTIONAL
address.streetName string Street name of payer address. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the street name input OPTIONAL
address.streetNumber number Street number of payer address. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the street number input OPTIONAL
address.complement string Complement of payer address. If filled correctly the Brick will prefill the complement input OPTIONAL
customerId string Customer ID. View how to manage customers. See More OPTIONAL
cardsIds string[] Saved Cards Ids. If defined in conjunction with Customer ID, the payer will be able to use their saved cards in checkout. The brick will sort from most recent save card to oldest. If you want the cards not to be sorted, you should add the property preserveSavedCardsOrder explained in this section. For more information about cards ids in Mercado Pago click here. OPTIONAL

Contains product information for review steps

Items key Type Description
totalItemsAmount number Sum of the values of all ordered items REQUIRED
itemsList object[] Array with the ordered items REQUIRED
itemsList[].units number Quantity of a given item REQUIRED
itemsList[].value number Value per a given item REQUIRED
itemsList[].name string Item name REQUIRED
itemsList[].description string Item description OPTIONAL
itemsList[].imageURL string Item icon URL¹ OPTIONAL

¹ NOTE: The imageURL property, used to display the item icon, must end with one of the following extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .webp, .svg.


Contains shipping information for review steps

Items key Type Description
costs number The shipping cost OPTIONAL
shippingMode string The type of shipping. Example: Express REQUIRED
description string Shipping description OPTIONAL
receiverAddress object Shipping address REQUIRED
receiverAddress.streetName string Address street name REQUIRED
receiverAddress.streetNumber string Address street number REQUIRED
receiverAddress.neighborhood string Address neighborhood OPTIONAL string Address city OPTIONAL
receiverAddress.federalUnit string Address federal unit OPTIONAL
receiverAddress.complement string Address complement, such as apartment number OPTIONAL
receiverAddress.zipCode string Address zip code REQUIRED
receiverAddress.additionalInformation string Note message regarding shipping address OPTIONAL

Contains billing information for review steps

Items key Type Description
firstName string The first name under which the payment should be issued OPTIONAL
lastName string The last name under which the payment should be issued OPTIONAL
taxRegime string The tax regime. Example: Simplified Trust Regime OPTIONAL
taxIdentificationNumber string The tax identification number REQUIRED
billingAddress object The payer`s address under which the payment should be issued OPTIONAL
billingAddress.streetName string Address street name REQUIRED
billingAddress.streetNumber string Address street number REQUIRED
billingAddress.neighborhood string Address neighborhood OPTIONAL string Address city OPTIONAL
billingAddress.federalUnit string Address federal unit OPTIONAL
billingAddress.zipCode string Address zip code REQUIRED
identification object Defines payer identification. Contains keys type and number OPTIONAL
identification.type string Identification type. Possible values vary based on siteId REQUIRED
identification.number string Identification number REQUIRED

Contains discounts information for review steps

NOTE: The discount report is only a visual representation and it will not automatically be subtracted from the total amount.

Items key Type Description
totalDiscountsAmount number Sum of the values of all applied discounts REQUIRED
discountsList object[] Array with the applied discounts REQUIRED
discountsList[].name string Discount name. Example: BLACKFRIDAY10 REQUIRED
discountsList[].value number Discount value: Example: 10 REQUIRED

Identification Type Values
SiteId Identification Type Values
MLB (Brazil) CPF, CNPJ
MLA (Argentina) DNI, CI, LC, LE, Otro
MCO (Colombia) CC, CE, NIT, Otro
MLC (Chile) RUT, Otro
MLU (Uruguay) CI, Otro
MPE (Peru) DNI, C.E, RUC, Otro


The callbacks object contains the callbacks functions the brick will call during its life cycle.

Callback key Description Params Returns
onReady It is called when the brick finishes loading REQUIRED void void
onError It is called when there is an error in the Brick REQUIRED BrickError void
onSubmit It is called when the user clicks on the submit button REQUIRED PaymentFormData, AdditionalData Promise<void>
onBinChange It is called when the user fills or update card's BIN (first 8 digits) OPTIONAL bin void
onClickEditShippingData [Exclusive for review step] It is called when the user clicks to edit the shipping data card OPTIONAL¹ void void
onClickEditBillingData [Exclusive for review step] It is called when the user clicks to edit the billing data card OPTIONAL² void void
onRenderNextStep [Exclusive for review step] It is called when the user moves through the next step on the payment flow OPTIONAL currentStep void
onRenderPreviousStep [Exclusive for review step] It is called when the user moves back to a previous step on the payment flow OPTIONAL currentStep void

¹ Required when any other key is provided for the initialization.shipping property.
² Required when any other key is provided for the initialization.billing property.


  type: "non_critical" | "critical";
  message: string;
  cause: ErrorCause;




  selectedPaymentMethod: "credit_card" |
    "debit_card" |
    "ticket" |
    "bank_transfer" |
    "wallet_purchase" |
  formData: CardData | TicketData | BankTransferData | WalletPurchaseData;

Note: The objects CardData, TicketData and BankTransferData could be directly sent to Mercado Pago payment API for processing.


? means the field is optional

    'token': string,
    'issuer_id': string,
    'payment_method_id': string,
    'transaction_amount': number,
    'payment_method_option_id': string | null,
    'processing_mode': string | null,
    'installments': number,
    'payer': {
        'email': string,
        'identification': {
                'type': string,
                'number': string
    'additional_info'?: {
        'shipments'?: {
            'receiver_address': {
                'zip_code'?: string,
                'state_name'?: string,
                'city_name'?: string,
                'street_name'?: string,
                'street_number'?: number,
                'apartment'?: string,
        'items'?: [
              'unit_price': number,
              'quantity': number,
              'title': string,
              'description'?: string,
              'picture_url'?: string,


? means the field is optional

    'payment_method_id': string,
    'transaction_amount': number,
    'transaction_details'?: {
        'financial_institution': string,
    'payer': {
        'email': string,
        'identification'?: {
            'type': string,
            'number': string
        'first_name'?: string,
        'last_name'?: string,
        'address'?: {
            'city': string,
            'federal_unit': string,
            'neighborhood': string,
            'street_name': string,
            'street_number': string,
            'zip_code': string
    'metadata'?: {
        'payment_point'?: string,
        'payment_mode'?: string
    'additional_info'?: {
        'shipments'?: {
            'receiver_address': {
                'zip_code'?: string,
                'state_name'?: string,
                'city_name'?: string,
                'street_name'?: string,
                'street_number'?: number,
                'apartment'?: string,
        'items'?: [
              'unit_price': number,
              'quantity': number,
              'title': string,
              'description'?: string,
              'picture_url'?: string,


    'payment_method_id': string,
    'transaction_amount': number,
    'payer': {
        'email': string




    'bin': string,
    'lastFourDigits': string,
    'cardholderName': string,


Customizations object is used to load Brick under different conditions.

Customization key Type Description
visual object Control the visual aspects of the brick. Contains style, font, texts, hidePaymentButton, hideFormTitle, preserveSavedCardsOrder and defaultPaymentOption OPTIONAL
visual.font string Defines the custom font URL. This only applies to the PCI fields. OPTIONAL
visual.texts CustomTexts Defines custom texts for the Brick (available custom texts vary by Brick). OPTIONAL Style Defines custom theme and CSS variables OPTIONAL
visual.hidePaymentButton boolean Hides the payment button and disables the onSubmit callback. OPTIONAL
visual.hideFormTitle boolean Hides the form title row. OPTIONAL
visual.preserveSavedCardsOrder boolean When true, the brick will present the cards maintaining the order established in the property initialization.payer.cardsIds. OPTIONAL
visual.defaultPaymentOption object Object that define a single payment method as default, so the form will load with this option already selected. Only one option is allowed. (Can contain one of the following propertiescreditCardForm, debitCardForm, prepaidCardForm, savedCardForm, ticketForm, bankTransferForm, walletForm, or creditForm) OPTIONAL
defaultPaymentOption.creditCardForm boolean When true, the form loads with credit card form selected. OPTIONAL
defaultPaymentOption.prepaidCardForm boolean When true, the form loads with credit card form selected, since the form used is the same. OPTIONAL
defaultPaymentOption.debitCardForm boolean When true, the form loads with debit card form selected. OPTIONAL
defaultPaymentOption.savedCardForm string One of the cardsIds informed in the property initialization.payer.cardsIds. OPTIONAL
defaultPaymentOption.ticketForm boolean When true, the form loads with ticket selected (check availability) OPTIONAL
defaultPaymentOption.bankTransferForm boolean When true, the form loads bank transfer selected (check availability) OPTIONAL
defaultPaymentOption.walletForm boolean When true, the form loads with Mercado Pago Wallet selected. OPTIONAL
defaultPaymentOption.creditForm boolean When true, the form loads with Mercado Pago Credits selected. OPTIONAL
paymentMethods object Object that allow payment methods configuration. Contains maxInstallments, minInstallments, creditCard, prepaidCard, debitCard, ticket, bankTransfer, atm, mercadoPago. OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.maxInstallments number Maximum number of installments to be offered to the user OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.minInstallments number Minimal number of installments to be offered to the user OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.creditCard string[] or string Allow payments with credit card. When the value 'all' is provided, all credit cards are accepted. When an array is provided, it should contain the IDs of the desired payment method for the paymentType credit_card. OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.prepaidCard string[] or string Allow payments with prepaid card. When the value 'all' is provided, all prepaid cards are accepted. When an array is provided, it should contain the IDs of the desired payment method for the paymentType prepaid_card.
paymentMethods.debitCard string[] or string Allow payments with debit card. When the value 'all' is provided, all debit cards are accepted. When an array is provided, it should contain the IDs of the desired payment method for the paymentType debit_card. OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.ticket string[] or string Allow payments with tickets (check availability). When the value 'all' is provided, all ticket methods are accepted. When an array is provided, it should contain the IDs of the desired payment method for the payment type ticket. OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.bankTransfer string[] or string Allow payments with Bank Transfer (check availability). When the value 'all' is provided, all bank transfer methods are accepted. When an array is provided, it should contain the IDs of the desired payment method for the payment type bank_transfer. OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.atm string[] or string Allow payments with ATM methods (check availability). When the value 'all' is provided, all bank transfer methods are accepted. When an array is provided, it should contain the IDs of the desired payment method for the payment type atm. OPTIONAL
paymentMethods.mercadoPago string[] or string Allow payments with Mercado Pago Wallet (available in all countries) and installments without card (only available in Argentina, Brazil and Mexico). When the value 'all' is provided, payments with both are accepted. When 'wallet_purchase' is provided, just payments with Mercado Pago Wallet are accepted and users must log in when redirected to their Mercado Pago account. When 'onboarding_credits' is provided, just payments with installments without card are accepted. In that case, after logging in, will be presented to the user the pre-selected credit payment option in their Mercado Pago account. OPTIONAL
enableReviewStep boolean [Exclusive for review step] Enables the payment confirmation flow OPTIONAL
reviewCardsOrder string[] [Exclusive for review step] Change the order that the cards are displayed on screen. The default is ["payment_method", "shipping", "billing". OPTIONAL

Custom Texts

Accepted properties are:

Property Type
formTitle string
cardNumber object
cardNumber.label string
cardNumber.placeholder string
expirationDate object
expirationDate.label string
expirationDate.placeholder string
securityCode object
securityCode.label string
securityCode.placeholder string
cardholderName object
cardholderName.label string
cardholderName.placeholder string
cardholderIdentification object
cardholderIdentification.placeholder string
installmentsSectionTitle string
selectInstallments string
selectIssuerBank string
emailSectionTitle string
email object
email.label string
email.placeholder string
formSubmit string
payerFirstName.placeholder string
payerFirstName.label string
payerLastName.placeholder string
payerLastName.label string
zipCode.placeholder string
zipCode.label string
addressState.placeholder string
addressState.label string
addressCity.placeholder string
addressCity.label string
addressNeighborhood.placeholder string
addressNeighborhood.label string
addressStreet.placeholder string
addressStreet.label string
addressNumber.label string
addressComplement.label string
entityType.label string
entityType.placeholder string
financialInstitution.label string
financialInstitution.placeholder string
reviewConfirm object
reviewConfirm.componentTitle string
reviewConfirm.payerDetailsTitle string
reviewConfirm.shippingDetailsTitle string
reviewConfirm.billingDetailsTitle string
reviewConfirm.paymentMethodDetailsTitle string
reviewConfirm.detailsTitle string
reviewConfirm.summaryItemsTitle string
reviewConfirm.summaryShippingTitle string
reviewConfirm.summaryDiscountTitle string
reviewConfirm.summaryYouPayTitle string
reviewConfirm.summaryTotalTitle string


Style is an object with keys for theme and custom CSS variables.

Style key Type Description
theme string Defines theme for Brick. Possible values: default, dark, flat, bootstrap OPTIONAL
customVariables object Defines custom variables to be applied. Possible values OPTIONAL


    theme: 'dark',
    customVariables: {
        textPrimaryColor: 'blue'
Custom Variables

Accepted properties are:

Property Type
textPrimaryColor string
textSecondaryColor string
inputBackgroundColor string
formBackgroundColor string
baseColor string
baseColorFirstVariant string
baseColorSecondVariant string
secondaryColor string
errorColor string
successColor string
outlinePrimaryColor string
outlineSecondaryColor string
buttonTextColor string
fontSizeExtraSmall string
fontSizeSmall string
fontSizeMedium string
fontSizeLarge string
fontSizeExtraLarge string
fontWeightNormal string
fontWeightSemiBold string
formInputsTextTransform string
inputVerticalPadding string
inputHorizontalPadding string
inputFocusedBoxShadow string
inputErrorFocusedBoxShadow string
inputBorderWidth string
inputFocusedBorderWidth string
borderRadiusSmall string
borderRadiusMedium string
borderRadiusLarge string
borderRadiusFull string
formPadding string
secondaryColorListItem string

Note: All sizing properties accept values in: px, rem, em, and %

Ticket availability

MLA (Argentina)
MLB (Brazil)
MCO (Colombia)
MLM (Mexico)
MLU (Uruguay)

Bank Transfer availability

MLB (Brazil)
MCO (Colombia)

ATM availability

MLM (Mexico)
MPE (Peru)

Returns: Promise<BRICK CONTROLLER>

Brick Controller

The Brick Controller contains methods that allow the integrator to interact with the rendered Brick.

unmount METHOD
getFormData METHOD
getAdditionalData METHOD
update METHOD
nextStep METHOD

Brick Controller.unmount()

The unmount method removes the rendered Brick from the page.





Brick Controller.getFormData()

The getFormData method returns the data the user filled in the form (only works if the submit button is disabled).




Brick Return Data
payment PaymentFormData

Brick Controller.getAdditionalData()

The getAdditionalData method returns additional data that may be useful to you (only works if the submit button is disabled).




Brick Return Data
payment AdditionalData

Brick Controller.update()

When called, the update method updates the given data via patch, preserving the current instance of the brick.

You should use the same object structure as the initialization.


Field Type Description Validation
amount number Payment amount. Updating the amount does not affect payments via Mercado Pago Wallet and Installments without card, as their values are defined in the backend. The new amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum amount allowed by the payment method selected by the user. If validation succeeds, the update method will return true. Otherwise, it will return false.
items object initialization.items object If validation succeeds, the update method will return true. Otherwise, it will return false.
shipping object initialization.shipping object If validation succeeds, the update method will return true. Otherwise, it will return false.
billing object initialization.billing object If validation succeeds, the update method will return true. Otherwise, it will return false.
discounts object initialization.discounts object If validation succeeds, the update method will return true. Otherwise, it will return false.




paymentBrickController.update({ amount: 95.32 });
  discounts: {
    totalDiscountsAmount: 25,
    discountsList: [
        name: "<DISCOUNT_NAME_UPDATED>",
        value: 25,

Brick Controller.nextStep()

The nextStep method is used to advance on payment flow, which is the review and confirmation steps.




Promise<string> indicating the current step.

