I try to build gtk+ 3.24.14 under msys2 system on Windows with following command:
meson --prefix=/home/User/gtk_libs/compile/outputs/x86_64-pc-mingw32 --buildtype=release ---Dpkg_config_path=/home/User/gtk_libs/compile/outputs/x86_64-pc-mingw32/lib/pkgconfig -Ddefault_library=shared -Dwin32_backend=true -Dbuiltin_immodules=yes /home/User/gtk_libs/compile/intermediates/x86_64-pc-mingw32/gtk+ /home/User/gtk_libs/libs/gtk+
As you can see I use separate build directory
Next I call:
ninja -C /home/User/gtk_libs/compile/intermediates/x86_64-pc-mingw32/gtk+ install
which fails with error:
ninja: fatal: CreateProcess: The parameter is incorrect.
(is the command line too long?)
If I build gtk+ directly in source directory all works fine.
As I can see in generated
file there is a command with 39000+ symbols length:
COMMAND = "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/meson" "--internal" "exe" "--capture" "gtk/gtktypebuiltins.c" "--" "C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/glib-mkenums.EXE" "--template" "C:/msys64/home/User/gtk_libs/compile/intermediates/x86_64-pc-mingw32/gtk+/../../../../libs/gtk+/gtk/gtktypebuiltins.c.template" "C:/msys64/home/User/gtk_libs/compile/intermediates/x86_64-pc-mingw32/gtk+/../../../../libs/gtk+/gtk/gtk.h" ...
Most part of this huge command is paths to header files:
If I run this command directly in console it gives Argument list too long
This command is generated from rule in gtk/
gtktypebuiltins = gnome.mkenums('gtktypebuiltins',
sources: gtk_public_headers + gtk_deprecated_headers + a11y_headers,
c_template: 'gtktypebuiltins.c.template',
h_template: 'gtktypebuiltins.h.template',
install_dir: join_paths(gtk_includedir, 'gtk-3.0/gtk'),
install_header: true)
The source of this problem is
d5f7ba8 which converts all relative paths to absolute in gnome.mkenums and can cause generation of too long command to execute. After I removed in build.CustomTarget(output, state.subdir, custom_kwargs, absolute_paths=True)
parameter absolute_paths=True
- all builds fine.